Three Fall Recipes Worth Revisiting
Sunday, October 20, 2013
burghbaby in Recipe, recipes

Every once in a while I will go through my archives and rediscover a recipe. None of them are ever really forgotten, but sometimes it seems like they deserve more attention than they've gotten. Take, for example, the applesauce recipe below.

It's time, you guys. It. Is. Time. Buy all of the apples and make all of the applesauce because this stuff is SO good.

In the interest of showing a little love to things that belong in fall but have appeared here before, here's three fall recipes that deserve another look. I swear to it. They are all THAT good.

Crockpot Applesauce--Welcome to apple season! Now, here's a way to use pounds and pounds of them that is ridiculously easy and ZOMG SO GOOD.


Autumn Corn -- It's caramel corn, but without the caramel. When all of those bags of candy corn pile up, here's what you can do with them.


Mini Pumpkin Cheesecakes -- I recently made these for a potluck-type-thing and HOOBOY WERE THEY A HIT. They were destroyed in no time flat, which is always a good thing then there are several tables filled with food.

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