We All Have a Purpose in this World
Thursday, October 25, 2018

I've always known Mila has a GPS device embedded in my brain because every single time I think I'm being sneaky, she KNOWS I'm there. Last night was no exception. I thought I would sneak into the house at around 1:00 am (late flights suuuuck but they're better than staying out of town an extra day) and go straight to bed.


The second I was in the house, Mila knew. I don't know how, but she KNEW. And she made sure I knew that she was pissed I had been gone.

There was a lot of hugging and I believe Mila was petting me at one point? She does that sometimes. I let her because at least she doesn't twirl my hair like her sister did. That made me NUTS. It would be better if we could all keep our hands in our own space, but whatever. Go ahead and pet me, kid.

Between the pets and after she was done telling me off, Mila was really super sweet. There were lots of words of affection and such, but then there was the knife to the heart.

"I cried a lot because I really missed you."

THANKS FOR THE HEAPING PILE OF GUILT, SMALL CHILD. As if I wanted to spend my day hanging out with a bunch of people in red hats instead of with the small child who is trying to destroy me.


As I was wading through the waves of guilt and trying to find a life vest, Mila helped me out. She clarified her statement in the way only she can. "I really missed you because I couldn't reach the Pop Tarts and sissy wouldn't share hers."

So there you have it. I'm a useful Pop Tart getter.

Article originally appeared on burgh baby (http://www.theburghbaby.com/).
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