What Would Mila Do
Monday, March 21, 2016

Have you ever noticed that the people who claim "I just tell it like it is" are pretty much always jerks? There's some sort of confusion between being mean and being honest and they totally cross the line. Now, toddlers. Toddler tell it like it is. They are definitely the most honest of all of the creatures.

Mila is currently up to her ears in brutal honesty. Everything in life is about being happy, and it's all about her own happiness. Sometimes her own happiness comes in the form of making someone else smile, fortunately, or I would worry that she is gong to grow up to be a sociopath. Alas, she's not completely self-centered. Just mostly.

There are days when her honesty is basically the best thing ever. I kind of wish I could adopt her style, frankly. What would Mila do if someone cut her off in traffic? She's scream at them until they wanted to cry, that's what. What would Mila do if she could read the racist words that people are writing on Facebook lately? She would cry. It would be an ugly cry, too. What would Mila do if the only lunch choice were salad on a day when she really wanted soup? Tantrum time!

It would be beautiful to do as Mila would do.

It would especially be beautiful because it's not about honesty; it's about happiness. Mila chooses fun over work, always. She sleeps when she's tired. If she's in the mood to giggle uncontrollably? You'd better believe she will hunt until she finds someone else who wants to have the same sort of day. She manages to make cleaning up a joy, eating is a party in her world, and even the most miserable of moments can be forgotten in a flash.

She just focuses on the happy.

Maybe the rest of us should pay a little more attention to the perfection that is toddler honesty. It most certainly leads to more happiness all around.


Article originally appeared on burgh baby (http://www.theburghbaby.com/).
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