If I have a problem, there is a very simple way to resolve it--write about it here. Seriously. Either y'all will provide me with an answer that works out beautifully, or karma will step in and take care of things for me. When I wrote about the potential Castle Dilemma, karma took care of things.
I initially had zero expectations for when the castle would be delivered, but then last Thursday I looked up the tracking number and found that it was scheduled for delivery on Friday. Perfect! Just in time for Easter! Crap! I wasn't sure I wanted it for Easter! And then . . . Karma.
The package got lost. UPS didn't know what had happened to it, they just knew it was still "out for delivery" as late as today, when it was finally truly delivered. I'm guessing the UPS driver knew what was in the box and had a good ol' time playing with it all weekend. I'm picturing him wearing his brown shorts and hiding in the back of the truck with the castle all spread out before him. Regardless, the thing wasn't here for Easter, so Alexis had to suffer and just get a few pieces of candy and some books.
The poor, deprived child. I mean, not only was she stuck with lowly books, she even had the embarrassment of finding the same candy in some of her Easter eggs as she could have found in the pantry for the past five months. As in, I kinda sorta maybe pulled out the leftover clearance Halloween candy I had bought and re-used it as Easter candy.
Oh yes, I did. I am THAT brand of evil.
Regardless, the kid has no idea that she should be disappointed to have received a couple of books and some old/refurbished candy. As she plodded around the house in search of her eggs, she declared this Easter the "Best Easter EVER!"
I can only hope it's this easy to make her happy every Easter.