It started because nobody ever feeds our dogs. They are pitiful souls whose only hope for survival is to prey upon the poor attention span of a certain one year-old. They live and die by the crumbs she drops or throws to the ground, and if she happens to take her eyes off the prize? They move in for the kill. They'll walk right past their full food bowl to get there. Ahem.
Basically, one of the dogs stole Mila's fajita. I don't know which one of them did it because the other one instantly decided fajitas are worth a battle to the death. The next thing you know, the toddler is crying and the dogs are in ALL OF THE TROUBLE because they scared the toddler with all of their fighting.
There's no recovering from the horror that is having your fajita stolen from right under your nose, so Mila didn't bother to eat dinner. I would be concerned by this, but it's not unusual for her to decide she's going to eat when she wants to eat and screw you if you think you can make her do anything that she wasn't already planning to do. She skips meals all the time and then later makes up for it.
I'm pretty sure that was her plan, except that "later" happened to be while we were in he car returning from Alexis' dance class. Oh, and it was nearly 10:00 pm. I don't have any vending machines in my car and the snacks I do have were instantly deemed stupid. But Mila was hungry.
Alexis, being the awesomeness that she is, was trying to talk Mila thorugh the moment. "You can eat when we get home," she calmly explained.
Mila's answer to everything was "Pizza."
"Are you hungry?
"Do you want to eat when we get home?"
"Why are your shoes untied?"
The conversation went on and on until we pulled into the driveway and YAY! At least there wasn't yelling or tears!
Except mine. While I was able to convince Mila that she could eat something else, all I could think about is pizza. And there was none.