Taking Care of Business
Let's take care of some long overdue blogland business . . .
Ages ago, Karen honored me with a super-cool award for Rocking the Crib. That Karen, she's so sweet you know. She's so sweet, in fact, that she made this, per my request. (Go. Admire the cuteness. Be ye jealous because Alexis will have it. Soon.) I'll be snagging that sucker up right after we get home from our usual Christmas rounds next week. Go ahead and buy one yourself, 'cuz I know Miss Alexis will be rocking that thing soon enough. (If she ever decides to wear clothes again, that is.)
I'm passing the Nap Warden's award on to Jayna at The Longest Year. Cause she rocks. And because she a Kent State alumna with a foreign language degree and I am required by KSU law to love people with that kind of history. We Flashes have to stick together you know.
In other award-type news, my new favorite bloggy chick over at AnGlOpHiLe FoOtBaLl FaNaTiC bestowed upon me the Winter Wonderland Award. My blog is purdy, what with the Christmas lights, isn't it? I forgot how much I enjoy playing around in PhotoShop. I must do it again sometime. Perhaps when I don't have a certain person hovering over my shoulder critiquing my every little circle (ahem, Mr. Husband).
I'm disobeying the blog gods and not passing it on. I'm not afraid.
In other blogland business, I still owe at least two of you a meme. They are coming, I promise. Just not tonight!