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1000 People Wearing Fursuits and We Keep Running Into This One

To properly tell this story, I need to start at the beginning.

This is the beginning.

2010. It all started in 2010.

My friends and I were standing on a street corner during Anthrocon when a bright green and blue sabertooth cat strutted up to us, purred, and then grabbed my camera and touched some buttons.

He's still alive, proving that miracles do happen.

Oh, Skittles. You have no idea how close you came to dying that day. My Stunned Face may resemble a smile, but beneath expression there was a mountain of fury just waiting to be unleashed. NO ONE TOUCHES MY CAMERA. There's a hell of a lot of money wrapped up in that hunk of plastic and I'm crazy protective of it. I still get all oiwerjaglksdnfblakndakljds just thinking about those fuzzy paws touching it.

Fast forward a year. This happened.


Same cat. New victim. Skittles ran up to my friend and tackled her. 

He picked the wrong friend to accost, by the way. That woman never forgets anything. And she believes in revenge.

Which is precisely why when we spotted this at Anthrocon AGAIN this year:

She went running. She ran and she ran and she full-body tackled that furry from behind. Paybacks and such, you know?

But that's when things turned a little ... weird. As Skittles stood there stunned after having been tackled by a mom, a guy off to the side uttered some words that will forever send me into a fit of hysterical laughter.

"I'm having a bit of an out-of-body experience here."

It took me a minute to figure out what he was saying, but then he drove the message home when he said, "That's my suit."

I'm going to venture to say that it was a setup. The guy who usually wears the Skittles fursuit HAD to know he would run into us again this year. He HAD to know my friend was out for revenge. He HAD to know that he would be able to dodge that revenge if he just stayed out of the suit. His plan worked because my friend tackled the wrong person.

Right fursuit. Wrong person.

I'm on to you and your scheming, Skittles.

And now that I know what you look like, IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG.

First, though, whoever was wearing the suit should probably contact me. I know where the lady who tackled you lives and I'm not above sharing her address with you.

Man, I love Anthrocon.

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Reader Comments (8)

Skittles is going to be in for it next year. Before tackling him, I'll just check to make sure he's in there. Somehow.

June 18, 2012 | Unregistered Commentersecretninjamom

I had a similar issue this year as well. I ran and jumped someone, only to realize they were standing next to their suit, and were not the person in it.

June 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSkirtandzy

I was literally doing a happy dance Friday night thinking about all the fun bloggy blogs you would be getting ready to write. :) heh. Mr. Skittles Man sounds like he's a lot of fun. (But my money's still on you. 'Course.)

June 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKatie in MA

I have been waiting for the furry posts :) tell me, do you think Anthrocon is something to take your kids to see? I ask because my kiddo asked to go see the furries, but someone told me it was inappropriate to take her.

June 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

@Rebecca--I think the fursuit parade (usually Saturday) is a fantastic time to take kids. Really, anytime during the day seems pretty OK. I wouldn't take a kid down in the evenings, however. It's not any different than any other evening in downtown Pittsburgh, except that the drunks walking around happen to be wearing fursuits. Pittsburgh is general is at its best when it's a bit closer to sober. :-)

I LOVE these posts. They make me wish we lived near each other... not just because you're awesome.. but because.. FURRIES. dude.

June 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMolly

Skittles suit has been owned by a few people soooo maybe be careful he isn't owned by someone else next time lol

July 11, 2012 | Unregistered Commentersqueemaru

i now have a huge smile on my face. what fun.

July 20, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterhello haha narf
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