You know what kind of freaks me out? There are a whole lot of you that come by this little page. If I do the math, it quickly becomes evident that I am in no way related to each and every one of you. So who are you people? Delurk yourself! Please? Just for one day?

Reader Comments (7)
Hello too and thanks for the visit!
i'm sorry i'm a lurker, i found you on the burgh blog. I find your stories very entertaining and very relevent as I nanny for a set of 19 m.o. twins.
Thanks for coming out and for visiting!
Anonymous--you are a braver person than I. I cannot fathom two of them. At the same time. *Shudder*
yes two is tough but I get to go home at night :)
That's a valid point. Things don't get real interesting around our house until after dinner, that's for sure.
Just found you, I think through...hmmmm...everythinginbetween? Or maybe somewhere else. Have a HUGE 16 1/2 month old girl (100% in height and 99% in weight but 89% for height for weight if that makes any sense at all?) so I'm reading your archives from years past (when your munchkin was my munchkin's current age). I also paste excerpts into emails I send my husband to make him laugh out loud. That's a huge compliment, trust me ;)
Belle--You are WAY too kind! Thanks for making me smile!