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The Cage o' Fun is Fun for All

I don't know why, but Alexis has it in her head that Grandma's Pack 'n Play is a really great place to hang out. It's like a trampoline, fort, and gymnastics mat all rolled up into one tidy little box.

Now, we have a Pack 'n Play at home. I think Alexis has spent maybe ten hours total in it during her entire life. And most of those hours were when I was using it as a changing table. The waste of space is still set up in our bedroom at the foot of the bed. Since Alexis refuses to sit in it, it's been converted into a closet. It holds my dry clean only clothes and some pillows. I guess maybe we should just put it into storage already.

At Grandma's house, however, the Cage o' Fun (that is what I'm calling it) is a must-have attraction. Alexis is climbing in it herself and then just hanging out. For hours. The entire time her Great Grandparents were over visiting, she was hanging out in the Cage 'o Fun. All afternoon, she hung out in the Cage o' Fun. But the bestest time ever was early this morning.

Every weekend, Alexis wakes up around 6:00 am. I grab her and take her back to bed with me. She loves me, so she pretends to sleep with me for about half an hour. Then she's up and wants everybody else up. But this morning, she sat up, looked around and then shimmied her way over to the Cage o' Fun. She crawled right into that sucker and stayed there for an hour. It was the most beautiful hour ever. Just thinking about it brings tears to my hours. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh sleep . . .

Anyway, I'm working on concocting a plan to steal the Cage o' Fun. That thing needs to try its luck at our house. I can't even imagine how pleasant Daddy and I would be if we were able to get another hour of sleep every weekend. We might have to leave a dog here in order to fit it into the car . . . Hmm, I think I know just who we should leave behind . . .

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