It's that time of year again. Time for the chaos, insanity, and mayhem that can only mean one thing--The Daycare Christmas Show. Oh, yes. A room full of kids under four years of age, their parents, their grandparents, their neighbor's ex-wife's sister's hairdresser, and everyone else under the sun. A room full of kids who would normally be eating dinner, but instead are shepherded onto a tiny stage and forced to sing songs with lyrics not even I know.
Good times.
Last year? Was awful. AWFUL. The post about it does not even come close to doing it justice as the post traumatic stress disorder was just starting to seep into my veins. This year? One thing had changed. One major thing. The room? Was actually big enough to hold everyone. I must admit, it was very nice not to have my head shoved into somebody's dad's armpit and my leg wrapped around somebody's big sister as I tried to catch a glimpse of my kid.
In fact, this year's show was so lacking in awful that the only "event" of the evening was some grandma getting all huffy because the toddlers were running around in the back of the room towards the end of the hour-long presentation. As in, they were chasing each other back and forth and back and forth and the grandma felt the need to voice that it was exceptionally rude and inconsiderate. Except, she committed a major error in voicing her whining--she did it to the VERY pregnant mom of one of the toddlers.
Pregnant ladies will eat you alive if you bitch about their kids. It's a fact. I saw it with my very own eyes.
Other than that, though, this year's Christmas Show wasn't that bad. Although, having more space did NOTHING for improving the photos.
Oh, and don't forget to link to your photos or stories about Christmas gone crazy on December 20th. I'll be posting Mr. Linky a little bit early since Kellie is an awesome Aussie and is living in tomorrow while I live in today.