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And Then There Were Two

You guys. YOU GUYS.

I think Mila's hair might truly be curly.

Right now you either think I'm being Captain Obvious or you're thinking I'm delusional. That all depends on whether you think the six whole strands of hair she has managed to grow in nearly two years can be trusted or not. But, here's the thing -- the longer those six strands get, the curlier they are. And the itty bitty bits of hair that are trying to grow in are appearing to be curlier than their predecessors.

This whole thing confounds me because I don't know for a fact where the curls originate. Sure, Alexis has gorgeous loopy curls, but they're weird as well. I know my mom had curly hair, but I don't know how curly since she never had a decent hair cut. The last several years of her life she had the traditional super short granny haircut, which she permed because early 90's. Everybody permed. But if I consider Alexis' hair, it wouldn't have much curl if it were super short. The curls are too big and loopy.

And so are Mila's.


It all means I get one more chance to figure out how to make a kid love her own hair, curls and all. Alexis is finally starting to come around, but if you give her a chance, she still thinks it looks better straight. If you think I'm going to try to make Alexis fully embrace her curls by pointing out that Mila has the same ones, you're damn right.

But I also have to do whatever is possible to make sure Mila loves hers from the start. 

Yay, curls!


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Reader Comments (3)


Curly haired here, with non-curly parents. Well, my dad had curly hair, but it was always short. If haven't already, definitely learn to take care of curly hair. I didn't as a child, and I'm still learning now. So, I spent my childhood hating my curls because they were fluffy and unmanageable. Things like: don't brush, comb with a wide toothed comb. Don't comb dry. Ever. Or: curly hair's structure doesn't let natural oils saturate the shaft of the hair as much, so we end up with dry hair and an oily scalp. There are different methods for tackling that one. Best wishes!

March 14, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCori

The amount of learning I've done with regards to my hair over the past two years is... well a lot. So many products, so much trial and error. I've finally got it figured out (ehh kind of) and I finally embraced my curls after growing up in a town where everyone straightened their hair, regardless of if it was a flattering look. I think it's hard because curly hair isn't really "the norm" and they are higher maintenance. But I still love em! Hopefully your girls will too!

March 15, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMolly

I didn't have curly air until I reached the age of 40...and man o man is it curly now that I have gone through "the change". I love my curly hair but it will only curl when it is really humid. Lots of trial and error on my part with products.

March 16, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMary
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