I found those in target one day! I told my sister we need to get the boy's helmet & matching girls helmet for her & my husband's friend (that she has a crush on) to ride on his motorcycle together wearing. They really are cute!
Sabrina wants that helmet badly. She tries it on every time we are at Target. I tell her if she will actually get on her bike I will buy it for her. She tells me if I buy it for her she will actually get on her bike. We are currently at a stalemate.
I work in the building next to Sharpsburg, but I think there is a good possibility I will be elsewhere that day. If I dropped something off for xmas crazy, do you think the staff will give it to you?
I don't have a bike and yet...I still want one. Is that weird? (Although I could probably benefit from having a helmet in general since I am prone to walk into walls and whatnot.)
Reader Comments (16)
I think my sons need that. Heh.
I found those in target one day! I told my sister we need to get the boy's helmet & matching girls helmet for her & my husband's friend (that she has a crush on) to ride on his motorcycle together wearing. They really are cute!
Sabrina wants that helmet badly. She tries it on every time we are at Target. I tell her if she will actually get on her bike I will buy it for her. She tells me if I buy it for her she will actually get on her bike. We are currently at a stalemate.
Sure is!
That is like 12 different kinds of awesome!
I need one of those too. Awesome at it's finest.
That is too cute!
Elle would love this. I should get it for her before she gets all stuck up like the other three girls!
Love it!
I work in the building next to Sharpsburg, but I think there is a good possibility I will be elsewhere that day. If I dropped something off for xmas crazy, do you think the staff will give it to you?
To funny....when I was a kid mine was boring blue with a red stripe.
I don't have a bike and yet...I still want one. Is that weird? (Although I could probably benefit from having a helmet in general since I am prone to walk into walls and whatnot.)
I want one!!!!!
Oh that's is too cute!
Ha! Love it!
My 16 yo sister took one look at that helmet and said "i want it!"