Christmas Shenanigans in July
There are 170 days until Christmas.
What? OF COURSE I know that little tidbit. Did you think Christmas Crazy all magically comes together in October and November? It doesn't. There's a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff that has to be done this summer to help make it the most successful year ever. Some big stuff is in the works, but it will take time to get it all to come together.
(If you have arrived here recently, a brief explanation of Christmas Crazy is in order. The longer version is here, but the short version is that every year I use this site to raise money to help make sure kids get the Christmas they deserve. Christmas Crazy has so far provided about $15,000 worth of toys to the Alle-Kiski Area HOPE Center and Toys for Tots.)
I'm really hoping for a big year this year. As in, I'd like to more double that two-year total.
As luck would have it, Visit Pittsburgh has offered to help. We'll be teaming up on July 19th for the Christmas in July Toy Drive. From 5pm to 8pm, I'll be hanging out at Sharp Edge in downtown Pittsburgh. If you're in the area, I'd love to see you there. Bring a toy (or ten) or a monetary donation. Sharp Edge will be providing appetizers, and hopefully we'll all provide a little fun. All money raised will benefit Christmas Crazy.
For more information and to RSVP, head on over here. I hope to see you there!
Half of the 2010 Toys for Tots Stash
Reader Comments (4)
I'm in!
hmmm...we will be in the 'Burgh then...and hubs says Belgian beer is good...LOL...(so is making sure all kids get toys on Christmas morning! :D)
Jim and I will come with some toys. I'm not on Twitter, so I didn't rsvp there. Love that you are thinking so far in advance, even if you are crazy! :)
This is the first holiday season in six years that I won't be organizing a holiday drive. I'm sort of relieved and sad at the same time. Last year was amazing. Ledcat and I will definitely contribute. Congrats for keeping these issues in people's mind year round.