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Clean Up in Aisle ... Just Burn the Whole Store Down

One of my worst sins is that I suck at getting out of bed. I can set 15 alarms, but there is no doubt that I will ignore every one of them and finally get out of bed 15 minutes later than I really should.

That is why I was surprised when I sprung awake and jumped out of bed at 1:00 am this morning. If you're a twitter person, you already know why. I sprung out of bed because apparently I was exposed to kryptonite. After years of having my superpower be the ability to not be around when a kid puked, that sound is unmistakable. My happy streak ended with a very terrible situation.

Oh, did I not mention that Mila was laying on me when she got sick? Because of course she was.

That was the start of a very challenging night. We went through three sets of sheets, four pair of pajamas, and everybody was unhappy. Needless to say, a bad night turned into a sick day and little miss Mila spent nearly the entire day curled up in my lap sleeping.

The trick, though, was that while she obviously didn't feel well, the belly stuff seemed to have ended early in the morning. She was drinking water and eating crackers and she seemed to be on the right path. Just tired and feverish.

So I did what I had to do and put a not well toddler in her carseat and drove to pick up her sister. I wasn't coherent enough to change Alexis' bus situation with a note in the morning, so she was at her after-school program. Mila and I drove over and Mila was soooo excited to see her sister.

The situation being what it was, we quickly stopped at the grocery store while we were already out of the house. Pedialyte seemed like a good idea plus I knew I wasn't going to cook dinner for Alexis. She needed to fend for herself.

We ran in and everything seemed fine. Mila was more chipper than she had been all day. HOORAY!

But then.

Well, let's just say I won't be buying strawberry yogurt anytime soon. The smell. I just can't.

And that is the story as to why our little local grocery store will have to be burned to the ground. It's really the only way to recover from the disaster that occurred in vegetable aisle.

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Reader Comments (1)

Oh no....also the reason I will never eat/buy Grapenuts again.

March 10, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMary
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