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Day One Hundred Thirty-One

July is really giving March a run for its money in the "Longest Month in History" contest, no? I swear it has been July for months, maybe years, but there is one difference - I'm not hating this like I did March.

July is a good month.

I'm stretching it out a tiny bit more by taking this week off from work. Vacation time during a global pandemic works a little bit differently since it's not time spent scurrying to airports or driving cross country or any of that. It's more like, "What can we get done at home?" and "Where can we go in a day?"

The answer, of course, is hiking. We can go hiking. Because Mila decided today would be a good day to sleep until 11:30 (!!!!), I had to change plans at the last moment and stay somewhere close-ish. McConnells Mill fit the bill, so we headed out this afternoon for a long day of wandering aimlessly.

It was a successful trip because it's hard to have a bad day at McConnells Mill. We managed to complete three trails total, including part of one "difficult" one, so that's a victory. Mila in particular was enchanted by the whole thing because giant rocks and so much water and OMG WATERFALL. THERE IS A WATERFALL AND IT IS SO LOUD. IT'S LOUDER THAN MILA! I KNOW THAT BECAUSE SHE YELLED IT MULTIPLE TIMES AND WITH MUCH GLEE!

Seriously. Mila was so enchanted by the waterfall and it was stinking adorable. She mostly loved it because it's louder than she is which is, indeed, an accomplishment. But the thing that she found most amazing, and the thing that also brought Alexis SO MUCH HAPPY? This.


They each found a red leaf. They both screamed with delight upon finding said red leaves because they were both all like, "FALL! FALL IS COMING!" They agree vehemently that fall is the best and are both in a huge hurry to skip this summer thing and go back to school, wear sweaters, and enjoy all there is to enjoy about the season in the middle.

Personally, I swore at the little red leaves. GIVE ME MORE SUMMER, PLEASE.

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