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Day One Hundred Twenty-Nine

I've already told you a time or ten that Mila is an absolute delight AND IT'S TRUE. She is sunshine and light and the sweet spot in the middle of a tornado/hurricane/forest fire. She can destroy anything in ten seconds or less, but she always follows that up with a moment of perfection.

It's her brand.

So, I tried the drive-in movie theater thing with the girls on Sunday. Which, I do recommend, at least the one that's by the airport. I wouldn't try it on a Friday or Saturday because I am a chicken who likes global pandemics better when they are an inconvenience instead of a personally life-altering disaster, but on Sunday, there were a whopping 20 cars at the show we selected. There was space for probably 200, so basically social distancing was not a challenge. AT ALL. I also made a rule that there would be no restroom breaks, and the girls went along with my scheme which ranks as MIRACULOUS! HUZZAH! but I was willing to make them go in the woods if I had to. They might have figured out that was the option that was going to be presented. There's no going inside for concessions either (line up outdoors, order and pay at a window ... it works), so basically it was the same as sitting in our own drive way and watching a movie.

We saw Despicable Me and Shrek, by the way. As in, the originals. Somehow Mila hadn't seen them so we fixed that. Also, the whole thing was her idea, so she did a most excellent job of staying up waaaay past a reasonable bedtime so she could see a movie I can recite in my sleep.

Somewhere around the middle of Despicable Me, Mila started talking. A lot. That is the ONLY thing I miss about regular movie theaters. Mila is generally quiet at a regular theater, but a drive-in? Screw it. She's talking. Too much. This time she wanted to discuss wishing on stars because why wouldn't she? The scene where the girls first discover that the Minions are a thing is the perfect time for a conversation about stars.

Mila's main question was whether or not you can wish on any star or if you need a falling star. My theory is that you can wish on any star you want, but you should wish extra hard on the stars that are falling. Why limit the potential magic, you know? Mila liked this theory, so she set out to making some wishes immediately.

I pried her wishes out of her. Of course. Wish number one is why I plan to keep the kid around, even if she does talk through movies. She wished, "This virus would go away and everybody would be safe" and COME ON. THAT'S ADORABLE. It's also what I think basically every adult has been doing, so.

Her second wish wasn't quite as giving, though. Her second wish was that I would let her have 1000 pets. Literally, 1000. She listed out how many cats and dogs and fish and hamsters and bunnies and ... she wants all of the animals.

She's freakin' Noah packing up the Ark.

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Reader Comments (1)

You're gonna need a bigger fish tank and pond!

July 29, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterLinda
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