2022 Total: $6,218.40

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Day Two Hundred Twenty-Eight



Perhaps you are new here? If you are indeed new here, it probably makes sense for me to start at the beginning. Christmas Crazy is this wild thing that I've been doing for twelve years now. Yes, TWELVE YEARS. I happen to be a bit excessive with all things related to the holiday season, and making sure that local kids share in a little magic is one of those things that I get excessive about. For years, I've taken to this space and asked for help in this little quest. I ask for help getting toys for kids at Pittsburgh domestic violence shelters and the internet provides.

I don't ask why the internet provides. It's a weird bit of magic that I just admire from afar because I'm afraid I might jinx it if I gaze longingly at it too long.


It's time to do it again. Yes, we are indeed starting this much earlier than usual. The reason for that is 2020 is deeply stupid and has this little thing called COVID-19 making it stupider. I need more time for delivery and the back-end coordination of this whole thing, so we're backing up the whole show.

We will, once again, be helping Center for Victims. They do amazing things for people who are victims of violent crimes, including providing emergency and transitional shelter to the survivors of domestic violence. I am also working with a smaller agency that does the same sort of amazing work - we'll be helping them as well and more information is coming. Some of the magic of this whole thing is that we can shift things around to make sure we create the most joy possible.

So! Here we go! The Wish List is up on Amazon. More items will be added in the coming weeks, but there's a fairly good start already available. All items are delivered to one of my elves. We'll then sort and deliver every last item and then some because you should see the Christmas Crazy closet in my house. It's already well-packed. Big thanks to the super awesome people who helped to get us that head start.

The other way you can help is to throw a few dollars in the pot. Money mostly gets turned into gift cards, which in turn create last-second magic for kids who land on the doorstep of a domestic violence shelter in the days leading up to Christmas. Money is also used to get a few higher dollar items. Some past examples have included a laptop for a high school senior headed to college, gaming systems for common areas, etc. If you'd like to pitch in that way, here is the link.

Thanks so much for your help again this year. It truly makes the world a better place and it especially makes my world a better place.

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