Get Old. Get Awesome. Or Something.
I have always been the youngest.
I was the youngest girl on the volleyball team.
I was the youngest person in my graduating class.
I was the youngest manager in the company.
I was the youngest employee assigned to the project.
I was the youngest consultant in the company.
But then one day I woke up, and suddenly I wasn't the youngest anymore. At first it wasn't a big deal because there were only a few people who were younger than me, but slowly life marched on and I started to be MOST DEFINITELY NOT the youngest.
I don't know how I feel about that. I would love to be one of those people who wraps their arms around aging and embraces it with grace and dignity and a sense of welcoming, but I'm not. AT ALL. I kind of want to punch puppies when I find a new gray hair, and I most definitely dropped a few not-nice words the first time I noticed a couple of the lines on my face that are more than shadows.
Just thinking about it makes me want to punch things.
But, yet, as I grow older, so does Alexis. When it comes to the short person getting older, I really do embrace every change. I mean, I like babies just fine, but each year she gets older, I like the kid more and more and more. Aging has made her WAY more fun. Right now our favorite thing to do together is to go to the mall and shop until we drop, and that just wasn't fun five years ago. I fully expect she'll be even more fun to hang out with in a few more years, even as she changes and becomes a new person with crazy hormone-fueled ideas.
Talk about conflict. I want her to get older, but can I please just stop right here?
It turns out I'm not the only person who is completely conflicted by the notion of getting older. Pfizer's is a website dedicated to the process of aging. The landing page poses the question, "How do you feel about getting old?" Once you've answered the question, you can meander your way to quotes, videos, and photographs by people who are at the same life stage as you.
There's some serious wisdom in those little squares. I spent an hour clicking and reading and nodding my head and riding a roller coaster of emotion. Growing old has a lot of advantages (it's way WAY better than the alternative!), but it's not all roses. I appreciate that others feel the same and have been willing to share their thoughts.
If you were to fill out a square on with your thoughts on getting old, what would you say? Answer below in the comments to be entered for a chance to win one of three $500 SpaFinder gift cards. Please note winners will be selected from a pool of all participating bloggers.
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Be sure to check out the Get Old page to find out more about the Get Old platform and read how other bloggers feel about aging!
Reader Comments (83)
I got married at 34, had my first kid at 35 and my second at 37. I'm glad I waited until what many people consider late to do these things. I was still learning to accept myself in my twenties. I became a much stronger and better person in my early 30s, which is probably how I finally managed to find someone to spend the rest of my life with. Even if I had gotten married earlier I don't think I would have been a very good mother. I needed that time to finish growing up.
But I do have some regrets about not having kids when I was younger...
I regret that my children's grandparents are not able to be as active with them as they could have been 10 or more years ago. (Although I'm happy that my children are lucky enough to know all 4 of their grandparents.) I regret that I am growing older and have a harder time keeping up with my children than I might have years ago. I regret that I may be too old to be fully interactive with children my kids may have or that I may not get to meet my grandchildren at all.
Even though I'm not too far up in years (yet) - I think my only qualified words of wisdom are what I'm living through now. Slow down, don't miss a moment, and take every opportunity that comes your way.
You are only as old as you feel. Some days I feel WAY older than I am and other times I feel like I could still be a kid.
Dont be afraid to do what you want.
Everyone in your life will have expectations for what YOU should do with yours. "Should" is an awful word, dont fall victim to it.
Worry about what you & your nearest and dearest think of you and not what the world at large does - they dont live your life or have any idea about you.
Dont judge people. It only reflects poorly back on you & quite frankly it is more than likely none of your damn business anyway.
All of the shit you thought was so important in your teens will be irrelevant in your 20s, same 20s into 30s and so on and so on. Life is too short to get hung up on the details. Live, love & let others do the same.
In my mind I am 20 and thin. I am actually 48 and quite round. I don't mind getting older. I have earned every ache, pain and wrinkle. I welcome them. It means that I have had a good life. Its not with out its ups and downs but with age, you appreciate the ups more and the downs, they are just part of it. I know now what to worry about and what not too. I also have more faith then I have ever had. I like no, I love me.
Sometimes the thought of getting old scares me, but most of the time, I just ignore it. I do what I can to be healthier. My main attitude is that getting older means I SURVIVED all the bad things that happened throughout my life and had lots of years for the good things.
Find the joy in each day - a sunrise, a great workout or maybe that sweet man next to you as you snuggle in and exhale after an insane day. Appreciate the things that matter - which usually are the things that no amount of money can buy. Provide that joy to others - and it will come back to you, manyfold. Thank God.
Don't let yourself get out of shape, it is too hard to get back in!
Getting old can be a challenge but it can also be a rewarding journey.
I'm a little concerned.
Questions that come to mind are:
Do we have enough for when we retire?
Will our health be good?
What happens if we get seriously ill?
Who'll watch out for us, if we can't?
Thanks so much.
I tweeted:
Thanks so much.
I always say "grow old gracefully," EVERYONE is going to get old. It is a fact of life. So accept it with grace and dignity. Of course I say this as a 38 year old mom to 4 who at times is so exhausted I can't even remember how old I actually am. My kids (21, 14, 13, 9) do joke with me and tell me I am old, but...BAH. 38 is not old! But I accept that I WILL get old. My grandmother turned 99 this year. THAT is old. I strive to get to be 99...and look like I am 89, cuz my grandmother does! :) and if I get that old, I will be thankful for every day of it. Every wrinkle, spot, joint pop, bone crack will be worn as a badge of honor.
Yeah, let me answer this question again in 5 or 10 years and see if the answer is the same LOL.
Well I am 57 and most days am acting like a 20 year old...
My first gray hairs came last year. And I noticed this year that I'm putting on pounds although I haven't changed how I eat or exercise. I get called "ma'am" more now. And I'm trying to figure out what growing old gracefully means. Middle age is trickier than I thought it would be. But with it also comes a sense of confidence and self-assurance I didn't have when I was younger. And since I can't stop getting older, I just have to accept it. Just don't call me ma'am. ; )
'Getting old' is all in your mind. When my son was 6 his class had homework - they had to ask their parents how old they were. Knowing my son would repeat my age to everyone and anyone who would listen I told him '26'. At that time I was 41. I was right - he told the world for the next 2 months how old I was and then, I thought he had forgotten about it. Somehow, the subject came up again when he was 10 and this time I fessed up and told him I was 45......he told me he thought I looked 26! Now, at 15. that is our standard joke except that now I feel 27....because he is almost as tall as I am!
its great not caring what other people think... and not being as self obsessed with my looks or actions :-) the older you get the less you let little things bother you
Taking good care of yourself can keep you young!
I'm excited to grow old, but I'm afraid of losing my mental sensibilities.
I am uneasy, but getting old is sure better than the alternative....I still see myself as young in my mind's eye, but the effects of time are upon me. Menopause, joint pains, stuff like that - and of course, the wrinkles and sagging skin make me realize I am "over the hill".
It's been obvious to me for a while in that the sort of places I go, I often look around to find I'm the oldest person there. But I'm at the point now where I really need to have one of those, uh, wellness checkups. And I really don't want to.
I'm sure at the ripe old age of 30 I'm not qualified to comment on getting old but I AM getting older. Thusfar I'm really enjoying it. My 20's were fun but hot damn I was a mess most of the time. I feel like so far my thirties have me settled, comfortable in my skin, and knowing where I want to go.
Tweet Tweet!
be true to you. you and only you must to live in your skin.
also, use moisturizer.
Things aren't going to work out the way you want them to all of the time. That's okay. When things go wrong, look at it as an opportunity to reevaluate and make adjustments, always working towards living the life you want to lead.
Getting older isn't so bad. I can still everything I could do when I was 20. I might not look as graceful and be as fast but I can still do them and that's what matters. :)
I want to see my kids grow up and get married some day, getting old isn't all bad
Look to older people around you who are doing well as an inspiration to grow old gracefully.
Youre only as old as you feel.
No matter how old or wise you feel right now, there will come a day where you reflect on this version of yourself and think, "man, I was young and stupid."
I turned 30 this year and was really depressed over it. I didn't think I had anything to show for it. Then I sat and thought about it and realized I do have a lot. A great husband, 2 adorable boys, a successful business and supportive family. What more do I need?
As I tweeted earlier: Being old rules. No diet for my upcoming beach trip. People will all be distracted by teenagers in bikinis. I have invisibility on my side!
Getting old just means I can start enjoying what my kids are doing with sports and school.
As I go through my last year in my twenties, getting my second degree, and having my first child, one thing has stuck with me: don't sweat the small stuff. It's a challenge at times and I need to remind myself occasionally, but it's so rewarding to let those things go.
Getting old is a privilege some are not afforded, so I'm grateful for every gray hair and wrinkle. I'm 50. I know who I am, I feel great, and I see lots of exciting things in my future. Life is good.
Older isn't always wiser. Learn from your experiences but understand that sometimes others have to learn their lessons the same way.
I think that as I've gotten older, I've gotten more patient and hopefully smarter. I had my kids young..married young and my oldest is about to be 12. I'm considered the "kid" in our parent groups. I don't feel like one but that's how I'm seen. I see myself as a 30 something, single Mom of 4. I hope that as I get older..I can look back and see that I've done the best I could for these little ones (and not so little ones) and prepared them for their life as they get older. Because if I can do that..and can see the good..then growing old will be a pleasure filled with memories to be made with future generations.
Getting older...I think I did a good job of embracing the big birthday this year. I always try to think about how I feel, not the number. As long as I can still sit on the floor and build Lego towers and do puzzles with my kids, I am young.
I just hope I can age just like my mother. I want to be as beautiful as she is and as happy eith the choices I made in life. It's scary to me to get older, but if I turn out like her, I'll be ok.
I'll be 32 next month and my son starts kindergarten the day after my about feeling old!!!
I'm 35, and the youngest of 4 in my family. Getting older hasn't bothered me very much. Like you I was ALWAYS the youngest. The one thing I was concerned about when I turned 35 was the state of my health. I had no time to workout, was stressed with work and was at the worst weight I'd ever been. I kind of felt like I couldn't wait to make a change, lose weight and get healthy because if I turned 40, there was no way I could fix what was broken. Perfec timing, I was laid off this past May and have made it my mission to be healthy. I've lost 35 pounds so far and am at my college weight for the first time since 1998 at least. I have a ways to go but I'm on the right track and feel so much better. I think I just accept getting older as a fact of life, why fight it? It wot change anything. I'm not going to magically get younger if I protest getting older! Hahaha!
Make every day count! I don't like to think that I'm getting older...I like to think that I'm just getting better.
I am slowly getting more ok with the idea of "you only live once", and not to be so uptight. In my 20s and early 30s, I was so concerned with what other people thought of me and what I did (like my parents, family, boss, etc). Maybe it's getting older, or having kids of my own, I realize now that what really matters is what works best for me and my family. I still get caught up in that from time to time, but I catch myself and re-evaluate.It's not easy, but it's easier.
Getting older does not bother me. I have learned from experiences. I'm happier than I've ever been. I'm 37 and don't see any reason to lie about my age. I don't have wrinkles yet, but when they come, they come. I'm not going to go buy expensive creams or get a face lift. Why pretend to be 20? Why pretend to be something you're not? Love your life!
Getting older is fun. You get to see things in a whole new light. Really, age is how you feel. If you are 20 and feel tired, run down and miserable then you will feel older than you are. If you are 60 and feel energetic and fun, then you feel younger. Make the most out of the time you have and live as if it was your last year.
Getting old can be rough, but then you realize that you are also smarter!
Live in the moment, not in the past
I love the wisdom that comes with growing older, working on loving everything else. :)
I feel uneasy about getting older - but there's not much I can do about it!
Getting old is better than not getting old.
I realized I was older when my son's friend said I reminded him of his mother.