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Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

I said I wouldn't talk about BlogHer here. While I said it many times and many places, I am a liar. That is to say, if you aren't interested in reading a a post about bloggers and blogging, you should probably mosey along. There are a few things that sort of stuck with me, and I want to hash them out.


I'm sort of a dork when it comes to paying to learn. Way back in the stone ages (aka college) I never skipped a class, in part because I had broken tuition down to an hourly rate in my head. I'd be damned if I was going to let a professor get away with not earning some of that rate.

Along that same vein, I knew exactly which sessions I was going to attend during the BlogHer conference. I had a list and that list had a list and then the lists had some babies, except that it was all very hypothetical and subject to change at any given moment. So I went to a session and it was so awful that I walked out after less than five minutes, but then I went to another session. It was also awful, so I went to Central Park to take pictures, but I still rushed back so I could make it to yet another session. That one was certainly entertaining, but I didn't learn anything, and yet I still insisted on going to yet another session over and over, again and again.

Insane. That's me.

That's how it came to be that I went to the Closing Keynote. The description of the session was certainly of interest and goshdarnit, I was going to get my money's worth out of the conference, even if I died of boredom and suck doing it. As the moderator introduced the participants for the session, I started to see flashing lights lowering from the ceiling and I'm pretty sure they were blinking in Morse Code. "Danger! Danger! This is going to be a waste of time!" they said. I pulled my phone out and prepared to publicly mock what I perceived was going to be a load of feminist crap.

While I am all for a feminist agenda, it seems like when you get a room full of women together to talk about power and influence and ROAR! WE ARE WOMEN! I get annoyed. Quickly. It's not because I don't think we have a voice that should be heard, it's that oftentimes those roars come with a side of degradation towards men and insults towards those who aren't aboard the bandwagon. It's not the lifting of strong women that bothers me, it's the lowering of everyone else. If that makes sense.

I was wrong. Woah-howdy, I was wrong. The session was fantastic, the speakers very engaging, and the message very strong. Female bloggers ARE important and their voices should be heard and their influence does reach far. Why else would the conference be absolutely smothered in sponsors and vendors and such if they didn't think that the women in attendance were influencers who could make or break their brand?

I heard the message, loud and clear, and yet I walked out of the room not really thinking about how it affected this space. I blog for me. I blog for Alexis. I don't generally pay mind to trying to change opinions and fix the world or any of that stuff. It's all very narcissistic around here. I own that fact, even if it sometimes feels as if there is everything wrong with it.  I kind of thought of the message of the session was everybody else is doing the influencing.

And then I ran into someone outside who said some kind words and I blew her off. Hard core. She may have later called me out on it publicly, but I won't link to it because I still suck at seeing kind words (especially in writing).

She got under my skin, though. She made me think. Hard. And, I realized something.

This space is influential.

It's not influential because of ginormous readerships or fancy statistics or shiny awards (although, this one? ZOMG. My head cannot comprehend the amazingness). None of that stuff matters. What matters is what a blog manages to achieve . . . what it does for others.

This space is influential because of you.

Yes, you.

You are the ones who came together so that my March of Dimes team could be one of the top fund raisers in the state. You are the ones who demonstrated loudly that you have not forgotten the victims of Flight 93. And, perhaps most amazing, you are the ones who gave dozens, if not hundreds, of kids a chance at a memorable Christmas.

So, thank you. Thank you for using your powers for good.

Thank you for using your voice to influence and, hopefully, make the world a little better place.

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Reader Comments (14)

You are awesome and I am so sad I didn't know you when I lived in the 'Burgh. Cuz I totally would have stalked you. Unless I had to go through a tunnel or over a bridge. Well maybe even then - you might be worth risking a tunnel monster and traffic on anything other than the parkway north to stalk.
August 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle Smiles
I guess you forgot I told you I loved you when you helped me with my family. I love you. No matter what you do. Happy you went to BlogHer (you still have to tell me how you managed that after the conversation at Firehouse!)

But I'm happy for you, and I'm more happy I know A, you and Mr. Husband. Good friends are something that comes along once in a while and, I cherish all of you.

You, and @SecretAgentL are what inspired me for the Do-Goodery for my friend in Iraq. And OMG. The collection? Multiple shipments. No way I can do it all in one shipment. I'm still waiting on more stuff donated from those who couldn't be there. Thank you! I'm so glad I could bring a smile to my friend's face, nearly halfway across the planet!

Can't wait for Christmas Crazy. I promise to be more photogenic.... Or I'll try...
August 11, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterpghrugbyangel
From a reader with scant interest in BlogHer, I nearly gave up on this after the first sentence. But I think it's actually one of the best posts I've read here. While it's certainly in good graces to appreciate your audience, Burgh Baby is your creation. It does not exist without you. It's a very, very, very wonderful thing that you do here. So be sure that the lion's share of the pats on the back are directed in the vicinity of your own shoulder blades.
August 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAndy T
I love your openness and honesty. It is so much appreciated. Really. I wonder over and over again what BlogHer is really like and it is nice to hear another view. So, I thank you for that.

I love your blog. Always have. Always will. And whether you feel it or not, you definitely influence people positively. Those accomplishments up their that you wrote about? Yes, your reader brought the results, but without you campaigning for them there would have been no results. You rock!
August 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKat
Whatever. People give and do because of you, and the fact that you aren't afraid to ask in the name of a good cause. Because you are a role model yourself. Because you are the inspiration behind why the readers are who they are.
August 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKaren
This space is as wonderful as it is - with all the giving and the great things you do - because of YOU. You, my friend, are awesome and I am glad to call you my friend, both in this blog world and the offline one.
August 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAndreAnna
I have mixed feelings about the blog world. First of all, I like that it entertains me and entertainment is BIG money (just THINK about how much entertainers/sports stars make). But in my own little blog world, I blog to remember. I really and truly don't try to influence anyone. My blog is truly a "mommy" blog - a journal on the internet that strangers can read -but mostly for me to remember. And so my kids can see that they matter to me. The fact is, this is what you do, too, but you're better at entertaining. And using your powers for good. Your readers contribute, but you make it happen. And that will be very important for Alexis to understand some day. That girl IS going to rule the world :)
August 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThe Mommy
People, y'all suck at taking a compliment. Repeat after me: YOU'RE WELCOME.

Seriously, there are a lot of amazing bloggers out there who write phenomenal posts and try to do good, but they aren't as fortunate as I am to be surrounded by great people who make it all work.

So, thank you. (That's your cue to say, "You're welcome." Ahem.)
August 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle (burghbaby)
You definitely underestimate what is going on with your blog. I think that the point is -- these opportunities to help others through the fundraisers you are connecting your readers with would not happen without you. You are doing something more than writing just for yourself and Alexis -- if that is all that you wanted/were doing, you would not be putting it all out there for us to read. For me, it is useful to read abut another mom's experiences going through the same stages of raising kids that I am. Your humor and writing are very much appreciated.
August 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer I
well, I enjoyed seeing you for the 3.5 seconds that I did. ;-)
August 11, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkdiddy
When I return to blogging (yes, WHEN, not IF), it will be because of you. Beyond keeping us all entertained with the antics of Alexis and your small zoo, you have done so much for so many and have inspired others to do more - both in their communities and globally. You are at the top of my list of Influential Bloggers! Alexis is so very lucky to have such an amazing role model! LOVE YOU!
August 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNicole
Aww, look. You have recognized it. Now own it. Really. Own it. Because you are amazing. In so many ways. So many ways.
August 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFireMom
It was so nice to meet you at BlogHer! Out of all places to meet, we met in NYC. How random. I have a bunch of swag with your name on it for Christmas Crazy. : )
August 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJulianne
No, no, thank YOU for being our fearless leader. (I was also going to thank God, because I feel God in this Chili's tonight, but then I remembered that YOU DON'T DO TV QUOTES. And it would be wasted. Ahem.) Really - you're the main dish o' awesome. We're just the awesomesauce that comes on the side. Or something.
August 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKatie in MA
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