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I Don't Believe It

While gymnastics appears to be Mila's first love, we've still been trying an activity here and there just to give her a chance to try the world on for size. I will secretly keep holding out hope that I will FINALLY have a kid who plays basketball (Alexis is weirdly REALLY good at it, especially defense, but has ZERO interest) while we test out some things that are a little more age appropriate.


She still doesn't want to do it.

Mila will gleefully spend hours running around in her sister's recital costumes, but she doesn't want to actually learn how to move in those costumes. She'll copy Alexis for a few minutes at a time, but that's about it. Dance is definitely not her thing.


It's impossible to avoid something that you are forced to see every week. While Mila certainly had a blast joining Alexis' sideline cheer squad at a few football games (She did stunts and cheered with them. It was seriously THE CUTEST EVER OMG but mostly because Mila is so smitten with the big kids.), she seems to have moved on. Her attention span for cheer is limited to bursts here and there. She's definitely not dedicated to the cause.



Well, now. That one is interesting. Given that it essentially involves running around like a fool and kicking things, MILA IS IN. She started soccer about two months ago and it has taken over her every conversation on the days that she gets to play. She REALLY enjoys it. Which, good. Variety is good.

But there's a thing that confuses me.

This particular soccer thing was during preschool. A company came and held classes every week and it was swell. There was a lot of enthusiasm. While I didn't get to see every minute of every practice, I sneaky watched a few (there is joy to be found in working very near to your daycare center). Nothing seemed amiss. And yet, here I sit looking at an "end of session" summary. There are checkboxes around which skills Mila did well and which ones she's still learning and blah, blah, blah.

Not using her hands. That's a thing Mila is still learning. Which, I KNEW THAT. I can't get her to go to a public bathroom without touching every single surface so it makes sense that she would try to use her hands in soccer as well.

The thing she did well? "Follow directions."

I'm dead. I have fallen over dead. Either they are very confused and talking about some other Mila or shenanigans are afoot. Mila? My Mila? Follow directions? WHEN?

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