I Plan On Celebrating Thanksgiving Late As Well
I am genetically pre-disposed to eating candy on October 31st. I didn't realize that fact until this very moment, but there it is. I *want* candy. However, the trick-or-treating hasn't happened yet, so there is no candy.
Stupid Hurricane Sandy.
(I'm conveniently ignoring the part where there is a giant plastic cauldron filled with candy staring at me from across the room right now. If I eat one more piece of the candy I bought to hand out to trick-or-treaters, I'm going to have to go buy more. I'd much rather steal from my kid's stash.) (Mostly because I didn't buy Peanut Butter Snickers. What the heck was I thinking?)
With the rescheduling of trick-or-treating due to bad weather apparently came a newfound ability to procrastinate all things Halloween even more than I usually do. The decorations aren't all up because we had to take them down when it was stormy and windy. The pumpkins aren't carved because chaos has been reigning supreme over our evenings. The treat bags aren't assembled because Alexis' school party was also postponed because of Hurricane Sandy.
And I haven't taken any worthwhile photos of Alexis in her costume yet this year.
I guess 2012 will go down in the books as the year that the Halloween photographs all happened in November. At least I had things done on time every other year ...
Halloween 2006--The Screamapiller (Also the only costume I ever got to pick.)
Halloween 2007--Funshine Bear
Halloween 2008--Minnie Mouse
Halloween 2010--A Witch
Halloween 2011 -- Vampire
Reader Comments (1)
Alexis's costume last year was the same one (including the teeth) my kid wore last year for her school party. She wore it again this year for the Halloween dance (minus the teeth).
I have been eating candy with reckless abandon. I waited until the evening before Halloween to open up the bag of candy corn, which is nearly gone now. The only reason I have not opened our trick or treating stash is because my kid went to a trunk or treat on Sunday and had her school party yesterday, so I have enough candy to get me through Saturday. Maybe.