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Kids, Man

We are starting to see glimpses of the toddler that Mila will be. While she needs to slow her roll, it's kind of fun knowing with absolute certainty that she is going to be the kind of kid who bawls when a ride ends at Kennywood. She's also going to be that kid who giggles uncontrollably while breaking a rule. I'm looking forward to the day that she demands cereal then throws an epic fit because I gave her cereal.

Oh. Wait. She already does the "throw a fit when she gets what she wants" thing.

I find it hilarious, of course. You want the spoon? That's cool. Here.

HA HAHAHA HA HAAAA WHY WOULD I THINK YOU WANTED THE SPOON? It's not like she tried to grab it 2353243 times or anything.

Alexis doesn't find it as funny as I do. Alexis, the child who is very literal and couldn't break a rule if it were made of porcelain, is the kid who is completely baffled by the indecisiveness that is tiny people. If Mila acts like she wants a pacifier and then throws it to the floor when Alexis hands it to her, Alexis gets all sorts of ruffled.

Ruffling is good. It stretches muscles that need to be stretched.

Especially the ARE YOU KIDDING ME, YOU HYPOCRITE? muscles.

Oh, yes. Alexis. ALEXIS. Alexis is the kid who spent most of last year complaining that she wanted to quit her tap class. She kept telling me that she loved dance, but tap was stupid. So I made her finish out the year, but then I let her quit. I mean, there was some kicking and screaming, but I did let her give it up. I just thought it was important that she observe how very cool tap becomes when you get good at it. There were a few viewings of dance recital DVDs and search so she could see the big kids do their thing.

She still wanted to quit.

And she did.

She was okay with that decision for a few minutes. Until she wasn't. One night as we were driving home from dance (she still takes Hip Hop and Jazz), she started trying to pin the whole thing on me. "Why did you make me quit tap dance?" she asked.

I tried not to laugh in her face as I kindly informed her how very wrong she had the story.

It was then that Alexis said, "Mom, you're supposed to know that sometimes I ask for things I don't actually want. You should have made me stay in the class!"

I'm going to remind her of her words SO VERY OFTEN and then I'm going to laugh as she twitches all the way through Mila's toddler years.

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