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Alexis has had a car for  ... two weeks? Something like that? In that time, I have learned three very important things:

1. Alexis hasn't paid attention to a single thing her entire life. That's the only explanation I have for why SHE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO GET ANYWHERE. As in, she needed directions to get to Target. How is that possible? Target has a cot in the corner ready for me at all times because I all but live there. It's been a pandemic or so since I've consistently drug Alexis with me to my second home, but still. She had 14 years of going there ALL THE TIME. How does she not know how to get to it? HOW?

(I realize the answer is that she is busy staring at her phone, but it still seems like the homing device I was born with that points me to Target at all times should be a genetic thing.)

2. So gas is expensive, apparently? Alexis is responsible for paying for her own gas, which has had an amazing impact on her perspective to so many things. For one, suddenly she doesn't need to run to ALL of the places. She's always been terrible about "can we make one more stop" and "I need this one thing right this second" and all of those types of chaos. She has also been the one to ask for the furthest possible mall, stores that only exist on the other side of town, and the like. All of that has gone POOF! and man, it's good.

3. Along the same lines, did you know that money is not unlimited? I knew that money is not unlimited. Apparently Alexis just figured that out? Dropping $50 at the gas pump has created a magical mystical understanding of the value of a dollar. It's gotten to the point that Alexis is now lecturing Mila about how expensive things are. As in, Mila wanted a stuffed Olaf when we went to Frozen at the Benedum last week, and Alexis would not shut up about the price tag. It was like listening to myself give a lecture.

All of that is to say, I should have bought Alexis a car sooner. It's making my life infinitely better.

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