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Mandarin Monkey Bread

Hi, my name is Michelle and I am obsessed with Monkey Bread. I'm the kind of obsessed that causes people to bust out a muffin pan at 9:00 pm to make a batch because dinner hasn't happened and all day at a dance competition (they won first in their division, btw) and I'M A GROWN-UP, DAMMIT. I CAN EAT MONKEY BREAD AT 10:00 PM IF I WANT TO.


I'm also the kind of obsessed that can't just make it, but that has to make it in all sorts of ways. Add nuts, take away the nuts, more brown sugar, throw some mandarin oranges in there ...





Good golly, Miss Molly.


THAT was a really good idea.

(Clearly I'm smarter at night. And the day after because I've made them twice in 24 hours.)

Mandarin Monkey Bread

1 package Grands biscuits (the big whack-a-can that has 8 biscuits in it)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1/4 cup melted butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 15-oz can mandarin oranges (the ones in their own juice)
4-oz cream cheese
1/4 cup butter, softened
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grab your muffin pan (the one that makes 12 regular-sized muffins) and spray it with some nonstick spray.

2. Chop up the biscuits.

4. Place the granulated sugar and cinnamon into a large Ziploc bag and shake it to mix.

5. Drop the biscuit pieces into the sugar bag, zip that bag shut, and shake everything until the biscuit pieces are well covered.


6. Use a fork to fish the mandarin oranges out of the can and place 5-6 of them in each little spot of the muffin pan. Save the juice because you're going to use it to make the bestest glaze ever.

7. Place the biscuit pieces on top of the oranges, distributing them evenly to make 12 little Mandarin Monkey Breads.


8. In a small bowl, stir the brown sugar and melted butter together to make a lovely little caramel sauce.

9. Drizzle a the caramel sauce over each little Mandarin Monkey Bread until you've used it all.


10. Bake the little Monkey Breads at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

11. While the baking magic is happening, let's make use of that mandarin juice, mmkay? In a medium mixing bowl, use an electric mixer to cream together the cream cheese and butter. Add the mandarin juice and mix some more. Then slowly add the powdered sugar until everything is well combined. (Of note, if you want the glaze to be more like a frosting, add more sugar and use only half of the orange juice. You can also leave it runnier by using less powdered sugar.)

12. Once the Mandarin Monkey Breads are done baking, allow them to cool for a minute or two then use a knife to loosen them from the pan. They should pop out pretty easily once you slide the knife into the edge.

13. Serve one little Mandarin Monkey Bread with one huge spoonful of glaze.

14. You're welcome, Mila.


15. Yes, pineapple works just as well. Thanks for asking.


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