Mother's Day Gifts for Photography Lovers
Life doesn't come with a pause button, but photography offers a chance to pretend it does. For just a moment, everything is frozen. The images captured can evoke memories and emotions that instantly take you back to that moment, even decades later. It's no wonder that so many moms love photography. It offers a way to keep little ones small, even as they grow up and start families of their own.
Mother's Day is just around the corner. If the mom in your life is a shutterbug, give her the gift of photography fun. Here are ten things that every photography lover would enjoy.
Whether mom has a DSLR, depends on her phone for photos, or uses a point-and-shoot that she loves, she would be happy with a new camera. Get creative! Upgrade her or fill a niche need. Maybe she could have a lot of fun with a waterproof camera. Maybe something light and compact would be great for times when she doesn't want to carry her DSLR around. Or, maybe it's time to help her graduate to the world of DSLRs. Whether the mom in your life is an enthusiast, a pro, or somewhere in between, there is a camera out there that she would love to add to her arsenal.
I have a confession to make: I'm obsessed with camera bags. OBSESSED. I have more of them than I'm willing to admit out loud. Maybe the mom in your life would also love a new camera bag? They come in all shapes and sizes, with some more closely resembling a designer handbag than the touristy camera bag of yore.
Handcrafted camera straps make fantastic gifts. I know this because I give them all of the time. There are literally hundreds of places you can go to find a beautifully made camera strap that will fit Mom's personality.
Spare essentials like batteries, memory cards, and lens caps can make great gifts. Those sorts of essentials go relatively unnoticed until you really need one. Having extras on hand can make a stressful situation suddenly no big deal. For example, I once ventured to the zoo with my daughter and discovered that the penguins were doing a parade through the zoo. As in, they were outside, walking down the path ten inches from our faces. Of course, that was also the exact moment that I discovered my camera battery was dead. It was no big deal, though, because I keep a spare charged battery in my camera bag at all times.
Photography is more fun when you understand how to make your camera do what you want, so sign mom up for a local class. There are workshops nationwide that will help mom understand the light triangle, white balance, or more advanced topics. Check with your local library, consult Google, or talk to a photographer you respect for ideas on where you can find a workshop.
If mom already has a DSLR, I can guarantee she would love a new lens. A great place to start would be a 50mm f/1.8 lens. It's a life-changing lens for anyone who has only used a kit lens, as it makes it possible to take photos in less than optimal light. I'm really not exaggerating when I say "life-changing," by the way. The lens is relatively inexpensive and will open up a whole new world of possibilities.
A studio light kit can be a lifesaver for anyone who enjoys taking portraits or who does food photography. Most light kits come with a stand, umbrella, and light bulb. You just plug them in and set them where you want. It's like having a little bit of portable sunshine available at any time. As an added bonus, they are much less expensive and easier to use than external flash kits.
A photography-themed t-shirt could be a big hit. I have one that features a picture of a camera and says "I Shoot People." It's pretty much my favorite shirt ever.
It doesn't matter whether mom uses a point-and-shoot or a high-end DSLR, a tripod can be an extremely helpful thing to have around. Tripods make low-light photography a million times easier, and they can be great for taking shots of large groups. Pair a tripod with a wireless remote and you've got a definite winner.
Speaking of wireless remotes, they are fairly inexpensive (under $15) and absolutely worth every penny they cost. They can make it possible for mom to get in the shot, which is a definite win for everyone involved.

Once you've purchased those photography gifts for mom, go out and make some memories worth capturing. That is the key to a fantastic Mother's Day.
Reader Comments (3)
such great ideas!!
I want a studio light kit soooo bad. Should I give you my husband's email address? ;-)
So much love for that pic of you and Alexis!! Frame it!