Not Nice, Indeed
As we waited patiently for the elevator doors to open, Alexis let out a happy sigh. After several minutes of Mila complaining, I had finally let Alexis take Mila out of the stroller and they had been walking together, hand-in-hand, giggling as they often do. "Mom, I love having a sister," Alexis said as she stood with Mila.
It's true. She does.
Happiness spread over Alexis' face as she thought about all of the things that having a sister has changed for her. She has gained some independence even as she has had to give up a few freedoms. There are no more late night Alexis Dance Parties because SHHHHHHH! MILA IS SLEEPING! but there are early evening dance parties that feature both girls. I say "Watch your sister for a minute" almost as often as I say "Pick up your dirty clothes," but that "watch" thing is open to interpretation. Sometimes it annoys Alexis, but often it's a treat.
Alexis continued to smile as the elevator chimed to signal it had arrived. The doors parted and out walked a mom and her daughter and her other daughter and her other daughter ... and her other daughter. And her other daughter. Five near clones of their mom shuffled out in a row, the only visible difference between them their ages. I'd guess there was a ten year spread total between the five girls.
I watched as Alexis processed what she was seeing. Her eyes grew wider and wider before she turned to watch them walk away and then made a OMG! face to me. "Do you think they are all sisters?" she mouthed.
"Yep," I replied. "I think they are." Then I continued, "Can you imagine having four sisters? It would be four times as much fun!"
"MOM ARE YOU CRAZY?" Alexis instantly yelled back. The doors to the elevator had closed, which is usually when a dance party breaks out, but the girl was too stunned to remember that dancing when nobody can see you is the best. She then launched into a looooong laundry list of reasons it would be awful to have THAT many sisters. "The sharing, mom! I'd have to share everything! Even the air I breathe!"
"So one sister is enough for you?" I asked.
"YES!" Alexis yelled.
Miss Mila, she who is usually full of all of the words, had remained silent through the exchange. Perhaps she was confused by the lack of an elevator dance party. Perhaps she was busy plotting world domination. I don't really know. I just know that she picked that exact moment to raise her voice and yell, "NOT NICE!"
You can't make everyone happy, I guess.