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Not Quite Déjà Vu

The thing about storing photographs online is that it is crazy simple to answer the question, "I wonder what we were doing on this date last year?"

Last year on this day, Alexis and I stopped at my favorite abandoned barn for some photographs. It was the first time I shot in full manual mode for any extended amount of time. It was also one of those rare days when Alexis was game for any ideas that I threw her way.

And, thus, there are a ton of amazing photos dated 9/9. Like this one.

I thought it would be fun to go back there again today and duplicate (and improve upon--I made some pretty blatant mistakes when I was shooting) the photos from last year. There was a bit of bribery involved because Alexis wasn't feeling as cooperative this year as she was last.

OK, so, there was a LOT of bribery involved. I hate that kids figure out to raise their price for cooperation as they get bigger.

The resistance resumed once we got to the barn because OMG. THERE ARE BUGS OUTSIDE. Any time one flew within a mile of Alexis, she flipped her lid. No matter, though, because I still managed to get a shot or two.

It's not quite a recreation of the one from one year ago (nor is it free of photographer error), but I'll take it.

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Reader Comments (3)

I've noticed that kids these days are better models than kids 10-20 years ago and before.

Here's my theory: since digital cameras make taking and reviewing pics so much easier and speedier, parents take WAYYYYY more pictures… making children in the spotlight wayy more.

Plus, these days they have been getting their picture taken almost daily since birth, so it's almost like breathing, a necessary and natural thing in life.

September 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnthony from CharismaticKid

Holy cow! How did she change so much in a year?! It doesn't seem possible! Sorry your attempt wasn't as easy this time around...but you did manage to get a good shot there :D

September 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

Love both shots.

I am working on getting better action shots on volleyball games for my God daughter. I've pushed it to 1600 not sure what I need to do to cut down on the blur on the action shots. Volleyball is the hardest sport I've tried to shoot. Baseball I don't get the same blur but I'm normally focused on one person versus so many moving on the court at once.

Anywy, great shots and good luck on keeping your model cooperative. :-)

September 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJackie
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