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One of Those Moments

Alexis has her very first Serious Dance Competition tomorrow. FINALLY! HOORAY! But, it's very possible she's trying to destroy me with her nervousness. During the drive home after school, she was practically shaking with fear that she will disappoint her teammates by suddenly forgetting everything she knows and doing the Chicken Dance when she's supposed to be doing some sort of sashay-aerial-flutter-whatchamajigdancemove. Because I don't want to be destroyed, on a whim I grabbed her and ditched the other kid and we went to do the movie thing.

You can't think about Serious Dance Competitions when you're in the third row of a movie theater watching a cute little bunny arrest bad guys. (Zootopia. It's good.) (WHY DOES MY CHILD LIKE SITTING IN THE FRONT OF THE THEATER. ARGH.)

Anyway, my little plan worked like a charm. There were tears and laughter and Alexis declared it the best girls' night out ever and blah, blah, blah.


But there was one moment during the middle of the movie when I glanced over and my very distracted and very focused 10 year-old was sitting quietly, fully entranced in the movie.

And she looked big.

You guys. She's grown up. She sat there looking all grown up and mature and oof.

Just ... oof.


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Reader Comments (3)

Oh man. I hear you. My twelve year old looked so big at her birthday party this year.

April 9, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterTerra

Good luck Alexis!!! She'll do great!

April 9, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSheila

It is still just as startling when they are 16. Trust me.

April 9, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterSheila
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