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Please and Thank You

Sometimes I fantasize about the day in the distant future when Alexis will call me to say "Thank you" and "You were right." It's a day that will definitely come because that's the way parenting works. You think your parents are stupid until you are a parent and then you realize that they were kinda maybe smart.

Alexis is going to have that moment. For sure.


As we were driving home from the very last dance class of the year, Alexis was telling me all about her day. It's still a thing that she does every day, even though I stopped prompting her for it a few years ago. It's such an integral part of our routine at this point that I don't need to ask. She just does it. Alexis skimmed over what she didn't like about the day and headed straight for what she liked.

It was a CAPS LOCK conversation where she told me all about a conversation that was had in her classroom. Apparently her teacher has been getting annoyed by the lack of manners that's prevalent within the group so she decided to make a point. As she handed out an assignment, she kept track of who used their pleases and thank yous and then exempted them from the assignment. No manners? Do extra work. Manners? Enjoy a free ride for the afternoon.

Alexis got the free ride, along with six others.

And HOOBOY was she glad.

As Alexis continued her story, she thanked me for being a jerk about making her use her manners and told me all about how I was right.

Best feeling ever.

Well, it was the best feeling ever until we received a postcard in the mail from her teacher. Her teacher apparently sent postcards to the entire class with three things she loves about that kid. It was a very sweet gesture and is one of many reasons why I have loved this particular teacher. (Teachers, take note. This seriously made Alexis' week.)

It's good to see nice words in writing sometimes, especially when you can take a tiny bit of credit for teaching some of those nice things to your kid. It's even better watching your kid read those nice words.

(I can't take credit for that math problem solving thing, though. That's all Alexis.)

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