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Premeditated Corn Nabbing

I swear I really do try my best to not judge strangers. I don't know their stories, so it's best if I just assume the best and move on with my own business. But sometimes things crawl under my skin and make me go WHY, PEOPLE, WHY?

(Please tell me you're the same way.)

That thing happened this past weekend. We met some friends at the pumpkin patch for an afternoon of crazy fun. Crazy fun was had.

In the midst of all that crazy fun, there was a corn maze. A big corn maze. All of us adults went through that corn maze with the kids once, but when the kids decided they wanted to do it again, we looked at each other, said, "OH, HELL NO" and declared our kids big enough to fend for themselves.

Some rules were established and blah, blah, blah. We sent them in by themselves. If you're at all familiar with Trax's corn maze, you know that's a perfectly reasonable thing to do with kids who are that big. They can't exactly get off of the hill without help, and we knew they were trapped in the maze.

So, we stood at the exit. We stood there and stood there and we waited for the pokey trio to find their way back out of the maze.

While we were waiting, we people watched. A woman in heels and very perfect hair stumbled out of the maze.

She's not the one I judged.

A young SUPER adorable couple walked out holding hands and smiling.

I totally judged them. I judged them adorable.

Then this really big group came out of the maze. There were maybe eight of them together, some kids and some adults. AND I TOTALLY JUDGED THEM.

Because they were holding corn. Lots and lots of corn. As in, they all had armfuls of corn. So much corn that they were dropping it, but that was OK because they had big Ziploc baggies that they were putting it in.

In other words, they were performing premeditated corn nabbing.

WHY? Seriously ... WHY?

I couldn't figure it out. Why would you go to a corn maze armed with Ziploc bags and then grab every single ear of corn that you could find? Isn't that sort of ruining the corn maze for the rest of the people who have yet to go through?

I couldn't figure it out. Nor could I figure out why it bothered me. Sometimes things that shouldn't really be annoying are, so whatever. I was annoyed.

As I voiced my weird annoyance out loud, the pokey trio showed up. They stumbled their way out of the corn maze ... and each and every one of them was holding a bunch of ears of corn.


At least it wasn't premeditated, I guess.

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Reader Comments (4)

I've been telling this story all week. Crazy kids!

October 17, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

That was probably my brother's family...which is why I didn't go with them.

October 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLinda

Maybe they in a super-bad place and needed free food deperately? Maybe they wanted some for Autumn decor and had pre-arranged with the owner of the corn maze that it was okay?

Who knows. I would have totally judged them too. Especially if my kid came out carrying corn, because why wouldn't she, when she just saw another group taking the corn? Ugh.

October 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKyFireWife

i am now quite curious if they took the corn because they saw the other kids do it.

October 24, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterhellohahanarf
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