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Problem Solving with Dr. Google

I have mentioned a time or two that Alexis is really very certain that she requires a sibling or two ... or ten. She talks about it constantly, even going so far as to decide which gender should come first and what that baby will be named. Oh, and he or she (it changes) will get to have her old bedroom, but she's not sharing her Build-a-Bears.

She has it all figured out.

Unfortunately, the universe hasn't exactly cooperated with her plans. But. BUT! Alexis is truly one of the best problem solvers I've ever encountered. If you tell her something won't work, she WILL find a solution that overcomes the challenge. Seriously. I think she could be the person that negotiates world peace. Build a brick wall and the kid really will figure out a way to blast through it. She won't even need explosives.

Recently, Alexis decided to apply her problem solving skills to the whole "I want a sibling" thing.

She started out by saying she needed some new books. Some new books about where babies come from. Considering that the book she already has does a rather excellent job of being specific, I would have thought it was enough. BUT NOOOO. "Mom, I need to read more so I can make this all work," she told me.

So, that's fun.

When I told her "maybe" as an answer to the books, she knew that my "maybe" was really more of a "yeaaaaaa...NO." She can tell the difference between a real maybe and a "shut up and stop asking" maybe. It's a skill that she has. So she took that NOT A CHANCE maybe and decided to solve that problem, too.

By asking Dr. Google.

Hey. So. That thing where she is only allowed to use the computer in the kitchen and with supervision? THAT IS SUCH A GOOD RULE.

And that's all I have to say about that.

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Reader Comments (3)

Oh Dear!

October 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

All the snorting.

October 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJenna


October 24, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterhellohahanarf
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