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Quiet, Glorious Quiet

It has been a few weeks since some skeletons tumbled out of a closet and danced a jig, but I'll get to that later. Maybe. Eventually. First I have to figure out if those skeletons really belong here in this Story About Us.


The skeletons tumbled, danced a jig, and they left a few dollars behind. That's the short version of a long, bizarre story. Don't you just love it when I'm vague like that?

I will not be vague about this -- WHY THE HELL DID WE WAIT SO LONG TO BUY A NEW DISHWASHER?

You heard me scream that at the top of my lungs, right? Maybe not just now, but probably at least seventy eleventeen bajillion times over the past few weeks? Because I have screamed it. Many, many times.

When we bought this house three years ago, we did so with hesitation in our hearts and a little stupid going on in our brains. It was a very badly maintained foreclosure that had been trashed. TRASHED. Very nearly destroyed, even. There was an excellent chance that we would lose our cutie patooties if we bought it, but we did so anyway. Somehow, we got lucky. Most of the damage was relatively easy to fix.

But there was that thing where the previous owners had ripped out everything that wasn't nailed to the floor. Except, they ripped out some of that stuff, too. They took the light fixtures, the faucets, and they most certainly took every appliance. Except for that dishwasher.

That was a sign, you know. When people clearly strip a house of everything of value and they leave behind a dishwasher? It's because they know they would have to pay someone to take it from them.

Which is what we did, but only after three years of not being able to run the dishwasher if anyone was home. The noise from the old one was so deafening that you couldn't hold a conversation in another room, never mind the kitchen. Standing in the kitchen when the dishwasher was on was like standing on the runway of an airport. I'M SORRY, DID YOU SAY SOMETHING? I COULDN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE ROAR OF THAT CHEAP-ASS DISHWASHER THAT DOESN'T ACTUALLY CLEAN THE DISHES ANYWAY.

So when I magically had a couple of extra dollars burning a hole in my pocket, I impulse bought a dishwasher. Because it was pretty. Seriously. That was my thought process. "Which dishwasher is the prettiest? That's the one I want." I didn't even care about the ratings or decibels or reviews or any of that because we were going from absolute junk to greatness. And by "greatness" I mean, "I could shove a bunch of hamsters in a box and end up with cleaner dishes than I do with the old one, so a new one would be an improvement no matter what."

It's so pretty.

And quiet.

And pretty.

And did I mention that it's quiet? Like, it's running right now and I can't hear it from ten feet away.


In case you are wondering, I did indeed just write an entire blog post about the wonder and majesty that is my new dishwasher. This is how you know I'm sort of a grown-up. Simple things like new appliances make me deliriously happy.


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Reader Comments (12)

I am hoping to join you in the next year. Or two. You know, three years in a new house to get a new dishwasher and all.


January 14, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJenna

I get it. I was excited about getting a new (gas) stove in June. It's the 'little' things!

January 14, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSuzanne

I love that you were able to write an entire blog post about your new dishwasher! We could use a new one too... It's not super loud but it doesn't do the best job anymore. Hmmm, I might need to go shopping! :)

p.s. Happy New Year!

January 14, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterElaine

My dishwasher is ugly and I've spent time debating how to "break" it so I can have a prettier one instead. I can't let on that I want to replace it because it's "ugly" because the husband the husband won't buy that as an acceptable excuse.

January 14, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

@Jamie--Our ugly, loud, ridiculous dishwasher was actually totally and completely broken we we moved in. I had full intentions of "finishing the job" and making it die for good before filing a claim against our homeowners warranty, but then the husband went and fixed it. I stayed mad until ... actually, I'm still mad. If he hadn't fixed it, I wouldn't have waited three years to get a new one!

January 14, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle (~~burghbaby~~)

Everytime our dishwasher hesitates, or does something wrong I excited and think 'Yay! A new dishwasher!' Then it promptly starts working again. Stop being such a LOUD TEASE!

Ahhh the little things :)

January 15, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKrissy

my fiance bought a dishwasher for when we move into our new house. At the end of March. It's sitting in the garage of the house that we currently live in, because it's too big to fit into the kitchen. I AM THE CURRENT DISHWASHER. By hand and everything. A noisy dishwasher is better than NO dishwasher, or having a BRAND-NEW one sitting in its box, untouchable, for at least another 2 months!

January 15, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterExMi

What, no photo of the prettiest dishwasher on the market? ;) Trust me, I'd RATHER see a photo of Alexis, but maybe she could do a Vanna White and stand next to it or something..

January 15, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterThe Mommy

LOL. Us old, boring, adults. I still get a little giddy when doing a load of laundry in our "new" (ie. 3 yr old) washing machine. Oh, the little things in life :)

Enjoy your new dishwasher!

January 15, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKyFireWife

I agree with ExMI, noisy dishwasher is better than none, but so happy that you have a quiet and preatty dishwasher now.

January 15, 2013 | Unregistered Commentermexmom

Can you convince my husband that we need a new dishwasher. He doesn't understand that needing to wash the dishes before you put them in the dishwasher means the dishwasher is broken. Plus, I'm the one that has to rewash them all when he puts dirty dishes in it. Ok, I'm done complaining.

January 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKim Adams

Your daughter is going to absolutely love you someday for all the wonderful photos you take of her.

January 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBrian
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