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Round, Round

I've mentioned a time or ten that my children are terrible humans who destroyed my ability to handle spinny things. I've never particularly liked spinny things, but after Alexis spinny things became evil. After Mila, they became impossible. If I want to have a migraine and be nauseous and dizzy for three days, they're great. If the goal is to be a responsible member of adult society, though, FORGET IT. No spinning for me.

No, really. I can't even watching these two go around on this thing without getting sick.


Which is great because Mila and Alexis would both like to spin all day every day. It's as if they took all of my spinny tolerance genetics with them when they were born.

The good news is that they have each other. Alexis can easily act as Mila's "adult" when it comes to spinny rides.

The bad news is that sometimes Mila wants to hang out with me. I mean, it's great that she still likes me and everything, but ... let's not spin together.

Guess who conned me into going on that ride in the photo with her. She did it with a smile and pleading eyes, so I had no choice but to go along with her cuteness. And the whole time we were on the ride, she was so happy. She even said so. Literally. "I'm so happy," are my most favorite words to hear out of Miss Mila's mouth.

The really good news is that because Mila was so busy telling me how happy she was, I don't think she noticed that I kept muttering, "This is stupid. I hate this. This is stupid. WTF? OMG, this is stupid." I was a broken record complaining on repeat.


It's been days and I'm still a little dizzy.

Kids ruin everything, you guys.

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