She Knows How to Get Her Way
Some weeks you wake up on Monday, cringe, and then finally mutter, "I got this." It's the start of an extra-challenging week, the week when ALL of the things are happening, so you know that the other side comes complete with a sense of accomplishment.
You just have to get there.
These sorts of week aren't the kinds of weeks that you wish away. Rather, they're the kinds of weeks that slip through your fingers like sand, leaving you grasping at every second and wishing for more. Because SO many things to do.
This has been one of those weeks. I've wished for 20 more hours in each day, which was really just enough extra time for me to stay afloat. Those extra hours didn't quite work out, though. Quite the opposite. While it was a week when I had a ton of stuff that needed to be done, Mila picked this week to be sick.
Just a cold, really. Nothing major.
Juuuuuust enough to make her miserable.
Miss Mila has been coughing her way to consciousness every hour all night long. Since the kid super hates to be awake at night, she's been demanding that others share in her misery. For the record, by "others" I mean ME because the husband is also sick. He's sick with a severe Man Cold.
Interpret that how you will.
I'm too tired to figure out how I interpret it.
So basically I'm saying this week has been full, wonderful, packed, busy, great, so busy, chaotic, and hard. And Mila has been functioning at 50%, which has made her extra needy. But! The end is in sight! There's just a few more major tasks standing between me and a nice little window of nothing!
As I sit here trying to trudge through a few of those last tasks, Mila is awake.
Very awake.
WIDE WIDE WIDE AWAKE. And feeling better? Apparently? I assume that must be the case because she's yelling "HELLO!" as she jumps up and down on the couch. At 11:15pm.
I'm too tired to tell her to stop jumping on the couch. It's just so many words. And so much effort.
Which, it now occurs to me that perhaps Mila was faking sick. She really just wanted wear me out so that she could get away with absolutely anything for a while.
It's working.