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Sunny Days Exist. Allegedly.

I think I speak for all of Pittsburgh when I say ENOUGH WITH THE RAIN ALREADY. It's been raining for years. Possibly decades.

It's been raining so many days in a row that Mila forgot what clear skies look like.

For real.

There was a point yesterday when the sun decided to peak out. I think it was later in the evening? I can't be sure because like I said, it has been raining for decades. Regardless, we were all in the family room when Mila suddenly exploded with, "LOOOOOK! THE SKY!"

I expected to look out the window and see a rainbow, or maybe an airplane sky writing. I would have been impressed at a helicopter or even a drone. Maybe there was a crazy shaped cloud? But no, Mila saw the sun and didn't know how to handle it.


The five-year old legit made everyone stop everything and look at the sun because it was THAT special.

I'm glad she did because I don't think I've seen it since.


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