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They're Diabolical and Stuff

Mila has been obsessed with the Netflix series Boss Baby approximately forever. She loved the movie; the series is even better because there are hours and hours of Boss Baby to enjoy.

Season Two came out recently. So hours and hours became HOURS and HOURS. I thoroughly blackmailed the child on Friday, making her clean her room and the living room, and then let her rot her little brain with a Boss Baby marathon. That's what "Netflix and chill" means, right? That I should cuddle on the couch with my 4-year old for hours on end on a Friday night?

That's definitely what it means.

I won't spoil it for anyone who has not yet been forced to watch the second season over and over and over (we're on our third run through already), but there's a new villain this season. Instead of cats being the thing that is trying to ruin baby-kind, this time it's old people.

Which, uh, you guys. YOU GUYS. Maybe I shouldn't have let Mila watch a show about scary grandparents right before going to Indianapolis for the weekend. We had a bunch of family stuff and basically it was grandparent-palooza and then some.

Mila made sure I knew that every person with a lot of wrinkles and grey hair is scary. And she made sure I knew that they were about to destroy Baby Corps, OBVIOUSLY. There was a whole lot of whispering about how I needed to help Mila protect the serum and hide from the grandpas and grandmas and...

WELP ...

I guess I've learned my lesson. No more Boss Baby. Ever.

Or until tomorrow. COME ON, it's sort of healthy to have a little fear of old people! They pinch cheeks and stuff.

October18 022

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