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Apple Cinnamon Monkey Bread

It wouldn't be a weekend if Alexis didn't have more plans to socialize than anyone I know. The kid is constantly staying over at someone's house or entertaining a crew at our house or whatever. She has people, is what I'm saying.

When one of her people stays overnight here, I take it upon myself to make Monkey Bread a thing for breakfast. I say it's a special treat for guests, but the truth is I WANT IT. A good excuse is a good excuse, so I take it.

The last few times Monkey Bread has happened, it's been with an Alexis-requested twist. She can't leave junk food alone, so she's been asking me to add something healthy to it. The last few times it has been apples. Which, sure.


That's easy enough.

Of course, if I'm going to throw apples in there, I'm also going to throw caramel in there. Don't tell Alexis, though. I don't want her to know that her attempt at healthier is being thwarted in the end.


Apple Cinnamon Monkey Bread (makes 12 muffin=sized Monkey Breads)

2 cans biscuits (not Grands -- regular-sized biscuits)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1 small Granny Smith apple, finely chopped
1/2 cup melted butter
1/2 cup light brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grab your muffin pan and throw muffin liners into each spot.

2. Chop up those biscuits. Each biscuit should end up in 6 pieces or so.

4. Place the granulated sugar and cinnamon into a large Ziploc bag and shake it to mix.

5. Drop the biscuit pieces into the sugar bag, zip that bag shut, and shake everything until the biscuit pieces are well covered.

6. Place enough pieces of biscuit into each muffin liner to cover the bottom of the liner.

7. Drop a few apple pieces into each muffin liner.

8. Fill the muffin liners up the rest of the way with the remaining biscuits.

9. Top each muffin liner off with the remainder of the chopped apples.

10. In a small bowl, use a fork to mix the melted butter, brown sugar, and vanilla extract. You should end up with a caramel sauce. Drizzle a spoonful of caramel sauce over top of each little Monkey Bread. Keep going around with that caramel sauce until it's gone.

11. Bake the little Monkey Breads at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes. This right here is the advantage to make muffin-sized Monkey Breads -- the baking time is significantly less for individual Monkey Breads than it is for one big one.

12. Once the Monkey Breads are done baking, allow them to cool for a minute or two then eat them. While hot. Because FOR REAL JUST EAT THEM. It's worth noting that some of the caramel sauce will settle in the bottom of the muffin pan. I highly recommend scooping that stuff up and drizzling it over your happy little Monkey Bread.

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Reader Comments (1)

This sounds fabulous! Will definitely be trying this one!

November 9, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterann
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