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Secret Agent Alexis

I've known for a while that Alexis leads a super secret double life, but I still ask to attend Parent Teacher Conferences. Around here, they're generally optional for kids who are on track to turn into Jessie Spano with her crazy caffeine pills, but two things:

1. I like to be reminded that the mouthy know-it-all who lives in my house spends her days being lovely and cooperative and generally awesome.

2. To hell with that stupid agenda. Are they a thing everywhere, or just here? Every day Alexis comes home with homework assignments written in an agenda. I'm supposed to check over her homework and then sign the agenda confirming that she did what she was supposed to do, but screw that. There's lots of things wrong with that scenario, but the fact that her grade is partially dependent on me remembering to sign something is the wrong thing that makes me nuts.

I admit it. I wanted a Parent Teacher Conference because I wanted to beg my way out of the daily agenda signature. If Alexis doesn't do her homework, she'll pay the price. She shouldn't have to pay the price for me not doing my thing.

I failed in my mission.

Sort of.

After I kindly asked what the objective is with the agenda signature thingy, something became very clear. Alexis' teacher checks her agenda about as often as I check Alexis' homework. Which is to say, neither one of us is checking anything. So! In theory I can stop signing!

But in reality, that kid who leads the super secret double life can't possibly fathom a world where she doesn't follow directions spelled out by her teacher. I need her teacher to say "Stop doing it." If I say, "Let's just not and I bet it will be okay," Alexis' head will EXPLODE. KABLOOEY.

There's good and bad to this whole thing where the kid has to follow rules at school or she's lost in life.

I better go sign that stupid agenda.


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Reader Comments (2)

I hate daily things I have to do as well! Reading blogs music practice logs bleh!

November 10, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterScullyPa

Thank goodness no - the only time I sign is when they get a new project/book report and there's a point system for different parts of the project. I think in 4th grade they should be learning to be responsible & do their work and if she doesn't then send a note telling me she's not doing her work and I'll sign it!

November 10, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSheila
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