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Embracing the Hole

Anytime someone says something nice about our house, I usually retort with something like, "Seriously? I hate this house."

Clearly, I'm really good at taking compliments.

It's not a bad house. This I know. However, if we hadn't stumbled into the deal of the century, there's no way we would have bought it. There are just too many things that make me crazy about it. Number one on that list is the ridiculous master bathroom, but the stupid hole above the fireplace would make the list not long after.

I blame Jayna for the fact that I'm currently working on embracing that stupid hole. She posted this and now I'm trying really hard to figure out how I can continuously shove seasonal stuff into that hole (Go ahead and make the "That's what she said" jokes. I already have.). I can't seem find the perfect thing for permanent residence there, but crazy holiday decorations? I probably can handle that.

First up? Easter!

Go me! It's not perfect, but it's definitely better than the lame candles that were there!

The extra nutso part of this attempt at embracing the stupid hole is that I am trying to be crafty while doing it. I totally made those Peeps towers.

I have a theory about Peeps. They aren't actually for eating. Sure, they're fun to shove in a fire, but now that I know they don't burn like normal marshmallows (The sugar sort of turns black and just....falls off. The marshmallow part doesn't react to flame. At all. FREAKY.), I'm even more certain that they aren't intended to be consumed by humans. They are much better suited for gluing to a piece of styrofoam.

Which is what I did. I started by covering a styrofoam (which I found at Michael's for $5) cone with glitter. I knew the Peeps wouldn't totally cover every centimeter of the cone, so I figured a little glitter in the cracks would help them look more finished.

And then I just covered the entire cone with peeps. A little hot glue here.

And a little shoving there.

And eventually I had covered the entire thing. And by "eventually" I mean after about three minutes. It went really fast.

Then I topped the hole thing with a Peep chick. I just sort of hollowed out the bottom of it and fit it over the top of the styrofoam cone.

Now I just have to figure out what comes after Easter. May is National Salad Month, so maybe I can work something around that.

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Reader Comments (9)

I love this! Will it keep for future years or do you have to trash the peeps after Easter? Is this a dumb question? haha

April 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCandace

Why did I not think of this! Seriously, I was sad to take down my little heart cone things and wracked my brain for something to glue on them for Easter. Never once thought of Peeps. And yeah, no doubt a million times faster than conversation hearts.

(it pained me to waste them, but I tossed the valentine's ones - petrified of inviting any sort of sugar loving pests to the storage bins, no matter how well sealed)

April 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJayna @ Yankee Drawl

Hmmm. When the teen was about 3 she loved marshmallows. The Easter bunny thought she would love peeps so he brought her some for Easter. It turns out she did not care for the nasty little things. However, the ants did, which they made perfectly clear Easter morning when we woke up to the trail of ants covering all the little peep bunnies by her Easter basket. Thank goodness he didn't put them in the basket! So, although your peep cones are cute, all I can think is, "ant magnets!". :-)

April 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie

national salad month??!?!

April 4, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterhello haha narf

In my religion (Roman Catholic), Easter lasts eight weeks. (Christmas lasts two, so I'm always sad when I see trees on the curb December 26th.) I'm sure there's some good theological reasoning behind it, but it doubles as a justification for keeping decorations out a LONG time. ;)

April 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSilica

Seasonal decorating becomes easy (IMO) after Easter. Bring in some Americana flag stuff and you're good through Labor Day. Unless you want to make it different every month?

April 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

Giant. Lego. Reenactments. Too bad I'm all the way down here, or I'd be there with my Lego bucket already. :)

April 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKatie in MA

Really, how can there be anything bad after a tower of Peeps? And HOLE. Heh. Haha.... teen giggle & snort

April 4, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjennyonthespot

The space is perfect for a shrine - The Virgin Mary, Buddha, garden gnome...oh I like the idea of a collection of garden gnomes having a picnic.

April 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer
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