Five Months
This magical little creature is now five months old.
I don't really know how that happened.
As of this moment, she's still very tall for her age. So tall, in fact, that she's wearing 12 month clothing. Her sister was always a big baby, but not like this. Alexis wore one size ahead all the way until she was four. Never two sizes ahead.
Mila is a very proficient roller, but she seems to have derailed in her quest to be mobile. There is something about feet that captivates her muchly, so instead of figuring out how to get to that thing over there, she's now focused on playing with those things that are always close by.
I'm very much so OK with that. I'm especially OK with it because I didn't have to whip out the duct tape to make it happen.
Mila is 90% the sweetest baby ever and 10% SCREW YOU. She's never afraid to voice her opinion. She will tell you that bottles are still stupid, but she might be willing to give in if her only other choice is bananas. Indian food is still the best, and Mexican food can shove it.
Fun fact: I couldn't eat Mexican when I was pregnant with her. I survived off of Indian food.
Mila's ability to sleep has been completely destroyed by two colds. You can't sleep if your nose is stuffy. Oh, and nobody else is sleeping either because STUFFY NOSES SUUUUUCK. Maybe she will go back to sleeping 7 consecutive hours at night. Eventually. Like, when she's 15.

Mila. She's magical, fantastic, perfect, and so very much so exactly what we needed.
(And she's screaming and refusing to sleep right now because cold number three is settling in. Oh joy.)
Reader Comments (3)
She IS perfect! :)
She is beautiful
She is adorable! Have you tried essential oils to boost immunity and encourage balance in her body? Young living has blends called thieves and purification that have helped my family and many friends with babies. Lemon and purification in the diffuser are great for helping the respiratory system! I would be thrilled to give you more info if you would like!