The Start of Chapter Five
There are weekends that fly by in the blink of an eye, barely leaving an impression on the long path of life. And then there are weekends like this past one where so much good and joy and fun happens, that it's like we lived five lifetimes in the span of just 48 hours. It went so fast, and yet there was so much. Just so much.
I'm without a starting point from our journey across the bridge between Four and Five, but I think the thing that stands out most is how very different this year's birthday celebrations were from years prior. Certainly part of that was the sheer volume of chaos. It was the chaos that comes from having two dozen friends over to your house to celebrate. It was the chaos that comes from having rockin' playroom that could be heard all the way down the block as it was broken in by all of those friends. It was the chaos that comes from your very first sleep-over. It was the chaos that comes from growing up.
Last year at about this time, I wrote the words, "She was too busy hiding because her guests had the nerve to look at her when she was about to take a whack at the Latina Whore." Those words summed up the undercurrent of Alexis' birthday party when she turned Four. Alexis had fun at her birthday party last year, but it was the sort of fun a shy, insecure little girl has.
Photo by @JayeselWhen it came to time for everyone to sing and for Alexis to blow out her candles, she began to panic and immediately turned into a monkey and climbed her Momma Tree for safety. She sat clinging to me, near tears, until it was time for her to go roam free through the house again.
Photo by @JayeselShe was fine. She had fun. It was just fun as it is defined when your kid is shy.
This year, however. THIS YEAR. It's safe to say Alexis' insecurities have flown away, her shyness is in check, and she now is comfortable basking in the glow of a gloriously good time with friends. I already knew all of this, but to see it on such a public stage was startling.
I was on the other side of he room as everyone sang to her. A chorus of twenty plus kids and just as many adults, all with their eyes focused on her, wished her a happy birthday and she smiled.
She didn't need help to blow out those candles. Instead, her body language said, "Back off! I've got this!"
Later, she sat surrounded by a mob of all of her favorite peers, opening gifts and fielding questions and generally managing the chaos that comes from twenty plus people wanting you to see that special thing they picked out just for you RIGHT. THIS. SECOND.
And she did it with grace. Or, at least I think she did because I was all the way across the room, barely paying attention because she didn't need me.
Sometimes it's good to not be needed.
Five is looking mighty good on Alexis.
Reader Comments (10)
She looks so grown up! [And her momma's starting to look a little older too. ;)]
What struck me most about this post is how grown up looking Alexis has become over the last year. At her 4th birthday you could still see the remnants of the toddler in her. Now she is all Kid!
I'm so glad she had such a fabulous birthday!
Dang...They're growing up!
I love this post! It actually made me a bit teary for some reason. I must be hormonal, lol! It is amazing how much older and bigger she looks in these pictures. That is quite a transformation! I can only imagine how awesome her birthday party was having that new playroom. I'm glad you all had such a fantastic weekend!
The amount of "back off I've got this" increases exponentially every day around here. The confidence is great, but so are the moments when they still need Mama!
That sounds great. Glad she is starting to enjoy all the love and attention.
Awww...happy birthday to your baby!
And so it starts. Piece by piece, little by little the neediness is replaced with independence and your heart breaks just a bit for just a second each time. It's all good though.
I just can't get over the difference between the pictures from last year and those from this year. I can literally see the confidence and assurance in how she carries herself and the sheer joy she is taking in having her special day. I think 5 is going to be a pretty terrific year - for you all.
I agree! She is totally going to rock Being Five!