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What Comes Around Goes Around

If I had the past five years to do over again, I would get about 153% more sleep. Sure, I'd be completely bald and probably need a kidney by now, but I would get more sleep because I wouldn't battle with Alexis over her undying need to wrap herself around my head at night. Every so-called expert who ever wrote a single word about how to get a baby to sleep through the night in a crib can basically bite me at this point, because they are all stupid doo-doo heads. The kid decided to sleep in her bed totally on her own and not at all because of anything I said or did. Getting her ears pierced was the bribery that seemed to encourage her to turn the corner. But, let's be honest. Alexis would still be jamming her knees into my back if she hadn't decided she was done jamming her knees in my back.

So many opportunities to sleep were wasted arguing with Alexis, escorting her back to bed, and generally at war with an enemy that couldn't be beaten.

Now that Alexis is staying in her own bed at night, you can still see signs that she likes a lot of company. A LOT of company. Piled on her twin bed are three Pillow Pets, six dolls of varying sizes, and literally dozens of stuffed animals. There is a very narrow little spot where she can squeeze her butt into that bed. Watching her wiggle her way into that tiny spot is funnier than anything NBC has put on during prime time for YEARS. She won't admit that it sucks, but there's no way that it doesn't. I swear it looks like some sort of furry orgy, but she seems to be perfectly happy at the center of it all.

Somehow She Who Continues To Try To Find Her Way Back Into The Womb managed to convince me that she deserved a few minutes of snuggles before she went to sleep tonight. Looking at the day from her perspective, it really sucked, so I figured it was the least I could do. I told her she would have to clear some space before I crawled into bed with her, so she shoved and crammed and somehow managed to make a few inches of free space appear. I have no idea where her pink bunny Pillow Pet wound up, but I imagine it was somewhere dark and smelly.

Better him than me.

As we sat there snuggling, her little hands tangled in my hair as they often are, she whispered about adventures she hopes to have, told me stories about adventures that she already has under her belt, and generally moved her mouth as much as any human ever has. I'm convinced that talking is her not-so-secret weapon in her war on sleep, so I finally told her it was quiet time. She laid there with her eyes gently closed, twirling my hair and breathing softly. After a few moments of silence, she sighed, her little eyes popped open, and she said, "Momma, you're going to have to go. There's not enough room for you in my bed."

If I had said that to her a year ago, she would have kicked me in the face as she tried to worm her way closer. She's REAL lucky I'm saving all my revenge moments for her teen years.


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Reader Comments (16)

awww...so sweet :) although when they tell you that you have to go, it is kinda sad for a moment! it means they are growing up :::sniff:::

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterClair

Last night, my son slept in his own bed (rather than a mattress on my bedroom floor) for the first time in about 6 months. Willingly. Suddenly. He just decided. He stayed there until 6:45 this morning, waking only once at about 12:30 and going almost immediately back to sleep. What the hell man?

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRachael

Geez, aren't you tired? You're deserving of a nap... for about 10 days.

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJen

My oldest daughter's bed is the same way! Only she's really OCD about all the guys, and each stuffed animal has to be in a particular space and they ALL have to be there or she won't sleep. She can totally sense it when Purple P the Panda is missing from his spot, squished under Woody and Buzz at her feet and we spend an hour searching the house for him. So cute!

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda

@Rachael--We need to throw some sort of party! Forget Presidents Day, Kids Not Fighting About Sleep Day is WAY more exciting!

@Amanda--Oh, yes. The OCD. We've got that, too. It's *SO* hard to not roll your eyes when a kid is freaking out because 0.000008% of the stuffed animal population is missing.

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle (~~burghbaby~~)

Aww, this was sweet and heartbreaking at the same time. I've been "sent away" a few times myself, and while I'm glad for the growing... it always tugs at me just a little.

Love the mental image of her amongst all her "friends" - Madeline does the same thing. It's hysterical, but I used to do the same when I was little. I get it. :)

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbessie.viola

That is so sweet!

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkyfirewife

i love that you laid down with her.

i was the same way with so many stuffed animals in my bed that mom could barely find me. glad to know i am in good company!

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterhello haha narf

We do joint book readings and then a standard goodnight routine with Abby every night, and she always gets a few seconds of snuggles in bed with Mommy just before we leave the room; Rachel said something along the lines of, "I'm just going to sleep here with you, tonight, Abby." And Abby responded along the lines of, "Noooo, you can't sleep here - you sleep in YOUR bed, with Daddy! You're just kidding. That's silly, you can't sleep here!"

And yet, that strategy doesn't work when she arrives at our bed in the middle of the night... Heh!

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDave (Scrumpy Daddy)

Giggles was like that and now she needs about 6 blankets to sleep and her TV on. I used to argue and turn off her TV but that would always wake her up and so I just don't. Do I like the fact that she always has the TV on...no...but I pick my battles and that isn't one of them anymore.

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdomestic extraordinaire

Geez. It's almost like you wrote this for me. ;) I hear you. Way to go Alexis!

February 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDina

I'm a big believer in what *the child* needs, and not the other way around. After all, we're the grown-ups. If they need extra months/years of security that comes with co-sleeping, why not? That's why I have a king size bed. I would seriously like to burn all those books that tell people to let their kids cry themselves to sleep and all that mess. When my older daughter could not give up thumb sucking - for years - I just didn't worry about it, because I've never known a 16 yr who sucks her thumb. Same with this sleeping issue. Our son is now in our bed - and the little guy just needs the security. He starts in his own bed (we lie down with him), but he usually awakens an hour or two or three later, and scurries into our room. It's ok for now, and one day when he doesn't show up, we'll miss him. But we'll also be glad we have our bed to ourselves. What a paradox LOL

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNewBurgher

The one nice thing to be stuck in a hotel in the middle of a snow storm is being able to have that experence. My son couldn't sleep and he was going to lay with mom, but he couldn't. So he asked if could lay with me on the couch of our room. I said say about 20 minutes later we moved to a bed... about 30 minutes later, using my arm as a blanket he was out... it was awsome!

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBranden

Oh my gosh, my oldest, he has 18 KAZILLION stuffed animals on his bed. DRIVES me nuts when we're tidying up and I go to help him make his bed!! But each one has a name and it's own personality, according to him, and a special place in his heart. BUT STILL.

It cracks me up that she kicked you out. :)

February 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterElaine

Oh, how bittersweet. *sniff*

February 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

And that is what makes you a Smart Mama - you wait for the right moment to have your revenge instead of tempting karma to break things now.

February 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKatie in MA
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