"You Think You Know Me? You Know NOTHING!"
Things that are OK in my mind:
- Wearing white pants after Labor Day
- People who love each other getting married
- Considering Nutella a food group
- Letting laundry sit unwashed when the weather is perfect
- Cheering louder for your favorite team when they are playing well
- Eating Cream of Mushroom soup straight out of the can
- Being nervous on your first day of camp when surrounded by a whole bunch of people you've never met
Things that are not OK in my mind:
- Wearing white pants with bright yellow underwear that feature a giant smiley face across your butt
- Marrying someone because it's who you are expected to marry
- Considering ketchup a food group
- Letting laundry sit unwashed when the bulldog has rolled around in my closet and left her bulldog stench all over every single pair of my jeans
- Loudly declaring yourself a better fan than anybody else when your favorite team is playing well
- Making fun of me for eating Cream of Mushroom soup straight out of the can
- Freaking out, bawling, and hiding at a picnic for the daycare center where you have been nearly your entire life, especially when YOU KNOW ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE
One of those not OK things pretty much describes our weekend. Which, WTH? Seriously? How does a kid go from BEGGING to go to said picnic to begging to leave ten seconds after we arrive?
Every time I think I'm starting to understand how Alexis' brain works, she does something completely unpredictable and leaves me feeling like an idiot.
Oh, well. At least she completely unexpectedly loved swimming lessons.
Reader Comments (11)
Awww. Maybe she expected something different and couldn't put it in words. Did she come out of it and have a good time? Poor punkin'.
@Pbpdesigns--She managed to have fun for about 10 minutes. We ended up leaving early because I wasn't in the mood to fight with her. :-/
You DO live in ketchup country though - it's kind of expected you you drown everything in Heinz ;-).
Not making fun so much as looking at you in horror. Really? Out of the can? Are we talking the condensed stuff?
And I've stopped trying to guess how my kids might act in different situations because the only thing I can predict accurately is that I will be wrong.
Have you considered that she might have an anxiety disorder? I know she's really young and little ones are way over diagnosed for that kind of thing, but if she's freaking out in company she's normally okay with, it could be more than a normal case of shy. I know I suffered from it from the time I was very small, and wasn't able to be diagnosed until my late teens, or able to get treatment until I left my parents' house. If that sort of thing happens a lot, maybe talking to a doctor or a child psychologist might be really good for her. (And lots of great treatments don't include medication, and can be beneficial even for children without issues) I hope you guys had a great weekend even so!
This is one of those times when I look at a picture and see someone much older! I see a teenager in that one! WAH!
Uh, cream of mushroom soup out of a can? I'm really wishing that I hadn't read this while eating breakfast.
She is just keeping you on your toes. Unpredictability is a right of childhood. but eating cream of mushroom from the can? Disgusting! I'm delighted with your eating habits - they make me feel normal.
Wait, you're still trying to figure your kid out? I gave that up looooong ago...!
but i LIKE my giant yellow smiley face grannypanties!
I'm with you on everything except the ketchup. That is a food group. As is pasta sauce.